Participation of NAUCS in the PADOS Project during 2015-2017


A seminar and a conference on the occasion of the PADOS kick off project took place in Helsinki (Finland) on March 31-April 2, 2015.

As a result of the events, the relevant decision was taken regarding the necessity of organization the mission of experts of the PADOS project to Ukraine in order to conduct the needs analysis for seminars, aimed at maintaining the effective public administration reform in Ukraine within the framework of the project. The mentioned mission was held in the NAUCS from on June 30-July 1, 2015.

On October 12-13, 2015 within the PADOS project the seminar “Capacity Building Support to Eastern Partnership Countries” was held.

The event was organized by the NAUCS, Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union in cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine in order to discuss new mechanisms and approaches to providing open governance, studying modern information technology in the contest of implementing e-governance and realization of public administration reform through involvement of the civil society and initiating communicative activities on capacity building.

(І day of the event, ІІ day of the event)


A seminar and a conference on the occasion of the closure of the PADOS project took place in Tallinn (Estonia) on January 19-21, 2015.

During the conference, the main achievements of cooperation between the countries-participants of the Eastern Partnership within the framework of the PADOS project were outlined, in particular there were presented the European experience and experience of the countries of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership" regarding implementation of public administration reform, which presupposes the establishment of effective, transparent, open and flexible public administration structure using modern information and communications technologies, the formation and implementation of a holistic state policy aimed at social sustainable development, requiring immediate implementation of the principles of good governance, responsibility of government authorities to the public, accountability and ownership to citizens.

On May 17-20, 2016 a study visit of the delegation of Ukraine to Helsinki (Finland) was conducted.

The event was organized by the Finnish Institute of Public Management (HAUS) in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Finland.

The main goal of the study visit was to consider the principles of public administration, the mechanisms for ensuring e-governance, as well as studying the requirements and approaches to improving the qualifications of civil servants of Finland.


On June 27, 2017 the representative of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union took part in the conference on the occasion of the opening the PADOS II project in the field of modern leadership and institutional development of the public sector (Helsinki, Finland).

The event outlined the goal, main objectives and tasks as well as methods of the activity of the PADOS II project, actual issues and challenges of the Eastern Partnership countries, aimed at the development of modern leadership and the capacity of ministries and departments to implement public administration and civil service reform were considered.

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Participation of NAUCS in the PADOS Project during 2015-2017


A seminar and a conference on the occasion of the PADOS kick off project took place in Helsinki (Finland) on March 31-April 2, 2015.

As a result of the events, the relevant decision was taken regarding the necessity of organization the mission of experts of the PADOS project to Ukraine in order to conduct the needs analysis for seminars, aimed at maintaining the effective public administration reform in Ukraine within the framework of the project. The mentioned mission was held in the NAUCS from on June 30-July 1, 2015.

On October 12-13, 2015 within the PADOS project the seminar “Capacity Building Support to Eastern Partnership Countries” was held.

The event was organized by the NAUCS, Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union in cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine in order to discuss new mechanisms and approaches to providing open governance, studying modern information technology in the contest of implementing e-governance and realization of public administration reform through involvement of the civil society and initiating communicative activities on capacity building.

(І day of the event, ІІ day of the event)


A seminar and a conference on the occasion of the closure of the PADOS project took place in Tallinn (Estonia) on January 19-21, 2015.

During the conference, the main achievements of cooperation between the countries-participants of the Eastern Partnership within the framework of the PADOS project were outlined, in particular there were presented the European experience and experience of the countries of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership" regarding implementation of public administration reform, which presupposes the establishment of effective, transparent, open and flexible public administration structure using modern information and communications technologies, the formation and implementation of a holistic state policy aimed at social sustainable development, requiring immediate implementation of the principles of good governance, responsibility of government authorities to the public, accountability and ownership to citizens.

On May 17-20, 2016 a study visit of the delegation of Ukraine to Helsinki (Finland) was conducted.

The event was organized by the Finnish Institute of Public Management (HAUS) in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Finland.

The main goal of the study visit was to consider the principles of public administration, the mechanisms for ensuring e-governance, as well as studying the requirements and approaches to improving the qualifications of civil servants of Finland.


On June 27, 2017 the representative of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union took part in the conference on the occasion of the opening the PADOS II project in the field of modern leadership and institutional development of the public sector (Helsinki, Finland).

The event outlined the goal, main objectives and tasks as well as methods of the activity of the PADOS II project, actual issues and challenges of the Eastern Partnership countries, aimed at the development of modern leadership and the capacity of ministries and departments to implement public administration and civil service reform were considered.

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  • Інструмент інституціональної розбудови Twinning

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Загальна схема оцінювання (CAF) – це система управління якістю, розроблена на основі Моделі досконалості Європейського фонду управління якістю (EFQM), який є ефективним інструментом удосконалення діяльності органів державної влади та органів місцевого самоврядування. Станом на 2021 рік система управління якістю, створена відповідно до вимог Загальної схеми оцінювання (CAF), ефективно функціонує в 4160 організаціях із 59 країн світу.

Функціональне обстеження

Аналіз діяльності органу державної влади проводиться шляхом функціонального обстеження. Функціональне обстеження – це аналітична методика оцінки ефективності діяльності органів виконавчої влади, яка є інструментом аналізу функцій та оцінки ефективності управлінської діяльності органів виконавчої влади та їх структурних підрозділів.

Громадянські компетентності на державній службі

Формування громадянської компетентності є нагальною потребою сучасності. Під громадянською компетентністю розуміють здатність людини активно, відповідально й ефективно реалізовувати громадянські права та обов’язки з метою розвитку демократичного громадянського суспільства адже якість демократії і визначається рівнем компетентності громадян.