The Working Meeting of the Council of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project of International Technical Assistance “Development of Citizenship Competences in Ukraine”


On January 27, 2015 at the premises of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine the working meeting of the Council of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project of international technical assistance “Development of Citizenship Competences in Ukraine” (DOCCU) took place.

The main goal of the project is support to sustainable development of the citizenship through spreading knowledge on education for democratic citizenship and education on human rights in Ukraine by means of training system for civil servants and local self-government authorities as well as the system of postgraduate education for teachers and representatives of the leading staff of schools.

The President of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Yuriy Kovbasiuk and Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Ukraine Guido Beltrani presented their welcome speeches.

During the working meeting the members of the Project Council reported on the main performance outcomes and achievements of the project for the first year of its implementation.

Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Maryna Kanavets underlined the importance of the project above mentioned in the context of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement signing, in particular public administration and civil service modernization based on democratic values and principles of effective governance. Moreover, it was mentioned that that professional development and enhancing competency of civil servants and local self-government officials is considered to be one of preconditions of civil service reform.

The strategy of the project realization in Ukraine as well as priority directions and perspectives of further implementation were considered.

Representatives of the Secretariat of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, representatives of international organizations, project experts, teachers and students of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine took part in the event.

For reference: the Swiss-Ukrainian Project of International Technical Assistance “Development of Citizenship Competences in Ukraine” (DOCCU) is implemented in Ukraine within the framework of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Ukraine for 2011-2014, in particular within the direction “Local Self-Government and Public Services”. The Swiss Confederation is the donor of the project, and the Zurich University of Teacher (Switzerland) is the main performer of the Project. The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are the beneficiaries of the Project. Zurich University of Teacher, the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Study and Odessa Regional Institute of Teachers’ Professional Training are the main partners. The duration of the first phase of the Project is from September 01, 2013 till September 30, 2015.

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