Workshop “Digitalization of the HR Process Management in the Civil Service” is held

On 28 November 2019 at the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NACS) workshop “Digitalization of the HR Process Management in the Civil Service” is held. The event is organized by the NACS and the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union within the framework of the Panel on Governance and Public Administration of the Platform 1 “Strengthening Institutions and Good Governance” of the EU initiative “Eastern Partnership”.

 Deputy Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Andrii Zabolotnyi in his welcome speech outlined that the proper and effective public administration, which meets the requirements of modernity and European standards and principles of good governance, is the key to the successful implementation of any reforms as well as the necessary condition for successful European integration. One such direction is development of information sphere and digitalization of civil services, reengineering of processes in government authorities, automation of decision-making algorithms

During the Plenary Session 1 of the workshop participants discussed experience of the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of digitalization and informatization. In particular, representatives of the Department (Center) for Administrative Services of the Kyiv City State Administration, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the State Enterprise “Prozorro” presented experience of digital development, innovation, e-governance and e-democracy.

In the framework of the Plenary Session 2 the attention of participants was focused on the issues of implementation of IT platforms to ensure effective staff engaging and selection for civil service. First Deputy Head of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Yuliia Lykhach, Senior Specialist of the Civil Service Human Resource Management Department of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia Mariam Kratsashvili, Head of the Department for informational and analytical Support for the Automated Data System "Reserve" of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus Yauhen Khainatski and Senior Advisor, Information Systems in Education and Civil Service Unit State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rasim Mahmudov presented key achievements and challenges of the digitalization of the public administration in the respective countries.

During the Plenary Session 3 participants reviewed Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, Moldovian and Armenian strategies for establishment and functioning of human resources management information systems in the civil service. In particular, PoClick Project Coordinator (HRMIS) Andrii Sukhov presented an information system of human resources management aimed at improving the effectiveness of managerial decision-making, establishing horizontal integration and coordinating management processes with the possibility of creating personnel documentation electronically and providing free access to human resources information for citizens.

The participants of the Plenary Session 4 will discuss innovative practices of using IT technologies to ensure continuous training for civil servants. In particular, Director of the Prometheus platform Victoriia Pryimachenko and head, co-founder of the Online Education Studio “EdEra” Illia Filipov will share the experience of private companies' involvement in the training of civil servants.

Representatives of the government authorities of the countries of the EU initiative “Eastern Partnership” and the EU Member States who are responsible for implementation of IT technologies in the field of human resources management, officials of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, representatives of the personnel management services of government authorities, civil society institutes, international and Ukrainian experts takes part in the event.


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