Meeting of the Working Group on Coordination of Twinning and TAIEX Instruments Implementation was held




On March 07, 2023, a meeting of the Working Group on Coordination of Twinning and TAIEX instruments implementation was held.

In a welcoming speech, Nataliia Aliushyna, Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter – NAUCS), welcomed the participants of the meeting and noted that the implementation of Twinning and TAIEX institutional building instruments in Ukraine is the key to effective implementation of strategic reforms and adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the norms and standards of the European Union.

In turn, Frederik Coene, Head of Cooperation of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, expressed his gratitude for effective cooperation within the framework of the Twinning and TAIEX implementation, focusing on the main achievements in 2022.

For her part, Maryna Kanavets, Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, presented the main results of the processing of the Twinning project proposals received from the government authorities within Twinning programming in 2022.

Victoria Brich, Twinning Coordinator of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, in her turn, made suggestions regarding the updating of the Twinning Projects Work Plan in view of the loss of relevance of certain projects.

In addition, Olena Honcharuk, Senior Consultant of the Twinning Coordination Division of the Unit of Twinning Programme Administration Office activities ensuring, presented the Twinning Projects Work Plan in Ukraine, which includes 76 projects (57 projects completed, 3 projects are at the stage of implementation, 16 projects are at the stage of preparation of the Twinning Fiche).

Within the framework of the meeting, Anna Strashuk, TAIEX Coordinator of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine and Yana Nykolaieva, Head of the Unit of Twinning Programme Administration Office activities ensuring, discussed the draft Plan of Involvement of the External Assistance of the European Commission within the framework of TAIEX for 2023. Also, the results of attracting technical assistance from the European Commission under TAIEX instrument for 2022 were outlined.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, Office of the President of Ukraine, Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, NAUCS and Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union.



For reference: in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of October 11, 2016 No 700 “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of Twinning Projects” (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of August 22, 2018 No 663) NAUCS coordinates the implementation of the European Union Twinning institution building instrument in Ukraine. According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of September 09, 2020  No 813 “On approval of the Procedure for preparation, approval and implementation of the plan to attract external assistance of the European Commission under TAIEX, the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union coordinates the implementation of the TAIEX institution building tool in Ukraine.