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Monday, 27 May 2024 12:02


Leading Staff
  • Maryna KANAVETS


    +38 044 278 36 44 (71-17) е-mail: 
    office No 619

    First Deputy Director

    +38 044 278 36 44 (71-17) е-mail:
    office No 613
  • Anatolii SOPILKA

    Deputy Director

    +38 044 278 36 44 (71-17) е-mail: 
    office No 625
  • +38 044 278 36 44 (71-17)
    office No 615
Monday, 11 February 2013 10:28

Application forms


Friday, 08 February 2013 10:50

State Bodies


Ukraine is characterized by a ramified system of executive power bodies, which is remarkable by a somewhat unclear distribution of powers and responsibilities and the lack of balance. This results in the less efficient functioning and excessive structures leading to the worsened capacity of the Government on public policy making and implementation of government programs.

Based upon the sustainable practice of the developed countries and Ukrainian experience, functional review as an important instrument of administrative reform became a basis for monitoring the structure of executive power bodies in Ukraine and its compliance with powers assgined to them according to legislation as well as with governmental priorities.

In 2005-2007, a range of pilot projects were carried out. Diverse approaches to the functional review of executive power bodies were tested, whereby selection of the type and methods of review depended on aims, capacity, resource proposals and political will of the Government:

July, 2005 – Procedure of conducting the functional review of executive power bodies was developed and ratified with the order of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine from 29.07.2005 # 189 and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine ob 17.08.2005;

March- August, 2006 – a pilot functional review of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Transport and Communications was carried out;

July - August, 2006 – a functional review of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Industrial Policy and Public Investments, in the spheres of scientific, scientific and technical, innovative activity, transfer of technologies and protection of intellectual property was conducted;

August - October, 2006 – collection of primary documents necessary for providing a review of ministries of Ukraine;

October – December, 2006 - a first stage of functional review (normative analysis) of 62 public and republican authorities of the Autonomous Republic Crimea;

January- March, 2007 – functional review of 16 ministries of Ukraine;

March - July, 2007 – functional review of 29 central bodies of executive power of Ukraine;

July – August, 2007 - a pilot reviews of 78 local bodies of executive power in Dnipropetrovs’k oblast; a functional review of 30 republican bodies of executive power in ARE Crimea; functional review of Kiev city and district in Kyiv state administrations; a functional review of local bodies of executive power is in Kiev oblast;

August, 2008 – a horizontal functional review of 63 central bodies of executive power of Ukraine completed.

Results of year 2009 :

- functional review of 25 central executive bodies, 7 regional executive bodies and 6 local governments in the framework to preparations to the final part of EURO 2012;

- functional review of Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine and 27 Regional State Administrations that belong to the sphere of social services providing;

- functional review of Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions of Ukraine;

- functional review of Ministry of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

- functional review of Ministry of Ministry of Defence of Ukraine;

- functional review of 64 central executive bodies in the sphere of providing public paid services.

Friday, 08 February 2013 10:47

Legislative Framework and Methodology

List of documents related to the legislative framework of functional review (all documents are availible on Ukrainian version of the web-site):

- Law of Ukraine “On State Budget of Ukraine in 2007” (Article 87)
- Decree of the President of Ukraine “About the Concept of Adaptation of the Institute of Civil Service of Ukraine to the Standards of the European Union” from 05.03.2004 # 278

- Decree of the President of Ukraine “About a resolution of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine from 14.03.2005 “About Principles of Reforming the System of Central Bodies of Executive Power” from 15.04.2005 # 658

- Civil Service Development Program for 2005-2010 endorsed by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 08.06.2004 # 746

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 16.11.2006 # 70-r “On Formation of the Coordinating Council on the Conduct of Functional Review of Central Bodies of Executive Power”

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 15.08.2007 # 657-r “On Approval of the Action Plan on the Implementation of the Concept of Fighiting Corruption in Ukraine “On the Way to Integrity” till 2010”

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 19.09.2007 # 745-r “On Approval of the Action Plan for 2008 on the Implementation of the State Strategy of Regional Development for the Period till 2015 ”

- Procedure of carrying out a functional review of executive power bodies ratified by an order of the Main Deparment of the Civil Service of Ukraine from 29.07.2005 # 189 and registred in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.08.2005 under # 901/11181

List of documents related to the methodology of functional review (all documents are availible on the Ukrainian version of the web-site):

Form of a passport of functions for the functional review with the purpose of carrying out measures related to the preparation and conduct of the final part of European soccer championship in Ukraine in 2012

Procedure of carrying out functional review of executive power bodies endorsed by an order of the Main Department of the Civil service of Ukraine from 29.07.2005 # 189 that was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.08.2005 under 01/11181

Methodological guidelines on filling out the forms required according to the Procedure of carrying out functional review of bodies of executive power that were ratified by an order of the Main Department of the Civil service of Ukraine from 29.01.2007 # 22

Appendix 1 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 2 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 3 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 4 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 5 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 6 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power

Guidelines on filling the passport of function by structural departments of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (developed by an independent expert - N.I. Baldich)

Guidelines on drafting a final report about the results of functional review of an independent structural department (government body) under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (developed by an independent expert - M of F. Kropivkom)

Guidelines on drafting lists of functions of independent structural departments and clarification of the passports of functions under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, which departments are involved in execution (developed by an independent expert - M of F. Kropivkom)

Guidelines on writing a general report and other materials on the issues of carrying out functional review of local bodies of executive power (developed by a civil service department under the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk oblast)

Friday, 08 February 2013 16:10

Nataliya Shponars'ka

Deputy Director –Head of Administration Department

Education: State higher educational institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman", speciality " Economics and Entrepreneurship ", Master in Project management and consulting. Professional experience: 2006 - Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports Affairs, Department of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Chief Specialist; 2007 - Deputy Head of Bookkeeping and Accounting - Chief Accountant, Department of Economics and Finance, Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports Affairs. Civil servant with VIII rank from 2009 Hobbies: skiing, rafting, diving, traveling.

Friday, 08 February 2013 16:08

Yulіa Lykhach

First Deputy Director

Education: National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine (Master in Public Administration), 2010 National Pedagogical University after M. Dragomanov (teacher of political science, social and humanities, politologist), 2004 Kyiv Pedagogical College (primary school teacher, Hebrew language teacher ), 1998 Work experience: Deputy head of the State Enterprise “Innovation Center”, Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine, 2011 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, assistant and consultant to the MP, 2008 State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, in the framework of cooperation between NGOs project “Ukraine-NATO” Civil servant with VII rank. Hobby: painting, sculpture, traveling.

Friday, 08 February 2013 16:07

Maryna Kanavets



Education: State higher educational institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, speciality “Finances”; National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine, qualification “Master’s Degree in Public Administration”; Nizhyn State Pedagogical University named after Mykola Gogol, speciality “Pedagogy and Methodology of Secondary Education”; Pryluky Pedagogical School named after Ivan Franko, speciality “Preschool education”. Work experience: 1996 – Pryluky orphanage “Sonechko”, musical manager; 2002 – Head of Unit on work with youth of Pryluky City Council; 2004 – student of the National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine; 2006 – VerkhovnaRada of Ukraine, assistant-consultant of the People's Deputy of Ukraine; 2006 –graduate student of the Institute of Problems of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine; 2009 – Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, assistant-consultant of the People's Deputy of Ukraine; 2010 – Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, adviser to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine; 2011 –Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine, Director of State enterprise “Innovative Center”. Candidate of Science in Public Administration, civil service with VI rank.

Thursday, 07 February 2013 16:00

Young Civil Servant Library

Young Civil Servant Library series is published on a regular basis within the framework of the State Program of Training and Attraction of Youth to Civil Service and Service in Local Government Vodies and Creation of Conditions for Their Professional Growth that was approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from September, 10, 2003 # 1444 and Program of Civil Service Development for 2050-2010 that was endorsed by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from June 8, 2004 # 746.

The series includes educational and methodological materials aimed at improving professional expertise of young civil servants and local self-government officials, creating environment for their continuous self-training on public administration issues, improving their practical skills and capacity and enhancing level of young people’s awareness of public administration and local self-government issues.

In 2008-2010, translated SIGMA/ОЕСD publications on the issues corresponding to the priorities that have been determined upon the results of Ukraine’s governance assessment by SIGMA in 2006 were published. The set includes four publications:

  • Public Policy Management: Key Stakeholders
  • Secretariat of the Government: Coordination of Public Policy and Management of Changes in Personal Composition of the Cabinet
  • State Procurement in the European Union
  • E-democracy: Hopes and Problems

Young Civil Servant Library series from previous years includes the following publications:

Socio-psychological Aspects of Managerial Activities

The Civil Service as a complex and rather special type of public administration has a variety of demands of civil servants depending on their office, nature and specifics of their assigned job. The title presents a review of social and psychological phenomena in the Ukrainian public, unveils psychological specifics of individual and group behaviour, reviews the psychological framework of managerial communication and influence in both theory and practice. Special attention is paid to such issues as arranging an efficient interaction within the ‘public administration bodies – the public’ system, and shaping a positive image of the government and its representatives. The guidebook is a rich source of practical advice ranging from psychological tests (to identify one’s personality type, style of management, ability to listen etc.) to practical recommendations to civil servants (on how to improve one’s personal charisma, prepare managerial decisions, prepare a report, coordinate a meeting etc.) to personal improvement tips (methods of efficient memory use, managing one’s attention, strengthening one’s will and individual creative capacities, managing inter-personal relations etc.).

E-governance Technologies

The process of information and communication innovations implementation in the public administration domain requires an understanding of approaches towards development of conceptual provisions, building basic theoretic models and programme mechanisms with due consideration to existing international experience, as well as the ability to forecast outputs and outcomes throughout the process of their implementation and operation. The book reviews specific features of e-governance technology application for making and adopting governmental administrative decisions. Much attention is paid to the major e-governance components, IT aspects of E-government information system development; sample models and structures necessary for its operation are also reviewed. The authors further present e-document turnover systems, overview organisation and managerial basics of e-governance service implementation complete with their relevant definitions, links, classification, and delivery vehicles. A special consideration is given to issues of geo-information system implementation in public administration

Manager in Bodies of Public Administration and Local Self-Government

Ukrainian statehood development must be followed by an efficient Civil Service HR support technology. Managerial activities are activities of special nature that are characterized by conscientious and purposeful way of individual self-actualisation in the field of practical management in order to attain spiritual transformation through the totality of outputs and outcomes; this represents people’s most general attitude towards forms of managerial practice. The title provides an in-depth highlight of manager’s personality, the nature, organization and functions of managerial activities, psychological and managerial requirements to its implementation, tactics, strategy, technologies and style of management. It will contribute to setting up efficient interactive environment inside working groups and to paying more attention to due performance of job-specific assignments.

Glossary of Public Administration Terms and Definitions

It may not be possible to institute and develop the science of public administration without first setting up the body of concepts and definitions. The key problem in grasping the subject of public administration is about recognising its progress, in other words, the genesis of the subject in the context of the world’s administration practice and Ukrainian statehood development. The Glossary contains definitions and descriptions of more than 660 basic terms and notions of most use in public administration theory and practice. A considerable portion of the glossary body comprises terms that have made it to the administrative lexicon of late in the process of public administration development in Ukraine.

All publications are availible in ukrainian .

Thursday, 07 February 2013 15:43

Newsletters Bureaucrat

A newsletter “Bureaucrat” was established on March 23, 2005 for dissemination of legal, scientific and other information related to civil service, administrative reform and development of institutions in the context of European integration. Its purpose is to inform general public about public policy and measures of its implementation in the sphere of civil service, administrative reform and institutional development in the context of European integration.

Subject area of newsletters Bureaucrat:

  • Comments to recently adopted legislative acts in the sphere of public administration
  • Important trends in public administration
  • Digest of latest news and events in the sphere of civil service reform and development
  • Competent comments of best domestic and foreign experts
  • Best practices of professional bureaucracy of the European Union countries and their advanced experience 

Circulation of the newsletter is 8,700 copies. It is distributed free of charge among politicians and officials of central and local executive bodies, educational institutions, centers for re-training and advanced training for employees of public bodies, bodies of local self-government, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.


Information bulletin Bureaucrat #17-18, 2010


Information bulletin "Bureaucrat" №9-10

Information bulletin "Bureaucrat" №11-12 

Information bulletin "Bureaucrat" №15-16 

Information bulletin "Bureaucrat" №19-20