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Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:48

International cooperation

Participation in the OECD Committee on Public Administration

The OECD Committee on Public Governance (PGC OECD) is a recognized worldwide platform for exchange of best practices in public administration.

Participation in its activities by OECD members and non-member states (e.g. Ukraine) opens many opportunities, in particular:

  • helps to identify and address current strategic challenges, met by governments, by raising confidence in public institutions and using effective approaches to those challenges;
  • assists in conducting a balanced and effective public policy, as well as in increasing transparency, quality and efficiency in the functioning of public institutions and services;
  • extends the best elements of good governance and contributes to improving government efficiency, transparency, responsibility and accountability.

Governance research

In the framework of its activity the Committee holds a number of specialized researches aimed at improving public administration systems in those countries where they are conducted. To enhance the effectiveness of their researches they involve leading academics, officials and experts.

In 2008, the OECD conducted a research "Public Administration Review - Ireland: towards an integrated public service." OECD provides new and different types of analysis, aimed at contribution to a renewed Ireland public administration development agenda and international attempts to comprehensive approaches to public administration reform. After its developing a number of important and specific recommendations for public administration reform was developed. In addition, a series of public consultations was held. In 2010 OECD presented research about Estonia and Brazil.

On the 42-th session of the Committee on Public Governance (Venice, November 15-17, 2010) there were held working consultations with the Secretariat of the Committee on the possibility of Ukraine’s initiation of a public administration survey. The suggestion was endorsed and OECD coordinators on public administration system research sent a formal invitation concerning the beginning of research process in Ukraine.

OECD / EU SIGMA programme in Ukraine

Within the MDCSU cooperation with OECD / EU SIGMA programme SIGMA experts were suggested to assess the basic indicators of governance, like the one that was elaborated in 2006/07. Nevertheless, the Commission refused to finance this work because the previous program record from the Ukrainian side was not considered.

Government at a Glance 2011

Another important research conducted by the OECD is a study called "Government at a Glance." This biennial OECD study examines the OECD countries governance by 30 indicators. The research includes a comparison of political and institutional frameworks of government functioning, contains data on revenues, expenditures and employment, indicators of openness, integrity and e-government. Past research was issued in 2009.

OECD Public Governance Committee (PGC) meeting “Towards Recovery and Partnership with Citizens: The Call for Innovative and Open Government”

The meeting of the Coordination Council on activity of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Inauguration of the 41st session of the Public Government Committee of OECD

Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

On June 25, 1992, in Istanbul 11 countries have signed the Istanbul Declaration on Black Sea Economic Cooperation, which defined general framework of this interstate association.

Member states shall cooperate in the following areas: trade and economic development, finance and banking, communications, energy, transport, agriculture, health and pharmaceutics, environmental protection, tourism, science and technology, cooperation in culture, exchange of statistical data and economic information, cooperation between customs authorities and humanitarian contacts, combating organized crime, etc.
Working groups that meet regularly to discuss specific areas of sectoral cooperation are subsidiary bodies of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

In April 2009, Ukraine got the status of BSEC country coordinator. During the meeting on October 27 – 28, 2009 , which was first held under the chairmanship of Ukraine, the Action Plan for 2009 – 2011 was ratified. Ukraine actively participates in the Working Group meetings, which promotes the deepening of cooperation with BSEC member countries, including Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Ukraine and others. Ukraine’s status of a country coordinator strengthens its role in BSEC, boosts Ukraine’s impact on development and functioning of the organization, provides an opportunity to spread the experience gained by Ukraine in the sphere of governance among the members states of BSEC, produces and implements joint initiatives to improve its own image in the region.

On April 8 – 9, 2010 , in Istanbul the BSEC Working Group meeting on Institutional Renewal and Good Governance took place. Ukraine as a country coordinator for 2009-2011 was represented by Andriy Bega, the First Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the European Union Standards. The meeting was attended by the representatives of nine countries - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Russia, Romania, Slovak Republic, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the Secretariat of BSEC. During the meeting the participants exchanged experience on evaluation of civil servants, as well as the information on national policies, progress and best practices in the reform of public institutions and strengthening the capacity of governance in the Member States. As a result of the meeting, participants made suggestions for implementation of joint initiatives as part of the Working Group.

On December 7-8, 2010, another Working Group meeting took place. During the meeting the participants discussed issues concerned the administrative services and paid services, and introduction and development of e-government among BSEC member states. The meeting was attended by Dmytro Chupryna, Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the European Union Standards. The meeting was also attended by representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:47

Електронне урядування

Електронне урядування EN

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:44

Group Policy Analysis

Policy analysis groups are established as temporary creative teams consisting of civil servants that work upon the search for strategy and ways of addressing a specific actual problem in the priority area of a respective government body.

The legislative framework for the functioning of policy analysis groups includes the following documents:

1. The Program of Civil Service Development for 2005-2010 that was approved by a regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 746 of 8.06.2004 with the amendments endorsed by a resolution of the CMU from 03.09.08

2. The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of Policy Analysis Groups in Central Executive Power bodies and the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine” of 07.02.2007

3. The order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of Measures with Regard to Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan in 2008” from 06.08.08

4. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Canada on the reform of human resources management system in the Ukraine’s civil service that was signed on 26.05.08.

Policy analysis is a set of practical tools on the preparation of policy decisions that includes comprehensive analysis of existing trends and problems, assessment of their causes and implications, formation of alternative ways of problem solving and selection of optimal options.

Participation of civil servants in the functioning of policy analysis groups is classified as in-service scientific research. Policy analysis groups include 10-12 civil servants of III-IV categories representing various structural departments of the respective executive power body, in particular: heads of structural departments on European integration issues, civil servants participating in the elaboration of budget proposals and inquiries of central executive bodies; civil servants participating in the planning of the activity of executive bodies; civil servants occupied with public relations and mass media, and employees of personnel units. Head and composition of policy analysis groups are endorsed by the leadership of a respective executive power body.

Policy analysis groups represent a mechanism of improving the system of planning, making and coordination of public policy in state authorities. Participation in policy analysis groups promotes the formation of practical skills in the sphere of policy analysis, impact of government decisions, benefits and costs, organizations of effective communications. Policy analysis groups proved their effectiveness during the preparation of state authorities to the application of institution building instruments Twinning and TAIEX.


In its letter from 07.11.08, the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine addressed the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine with the proposal to form policy analysis groups according to priorities of implementation of the future Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU in the part related to creation of a free trade area. The MDCSU also suggested a tentative list of topics for policy analysis groups.

According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 18.11.08, the MDCSU received proposals related to eventual content of work and personnel composition of policy analysis groups from the National Bank of Ukraine, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and seventeen (17) central executive power bodies. As a result, in December 2008, ten intergovernmental policy analysis groups were formed to support the establishment of a free trade area, and three groups – related to civil service reform.

The functioning of policy analysis groups in 2009 is distinguished by the preparation to the implementation of the future Association agreement with the EU in the part related to the creation of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU. In particular, main tasks of the groups include the following:

  • to develop sectoral strategies within the framework of meeting commitments under the future Association agreement with the EU that would clearly define tasks and steps related to the Agreement’s implementation, with the consideration of available documents and requirements in this sector, as well as needs for the strategy’s realization (financial, human and institutional);
  • to present draft strategies and to discuss them with representatives of Ukrainian business circles and other stakeholders.

List of policy analysis groups to support the establishment of a free trade area with the European Union:

  1. Development of strategy in the sphere of overcoming technical barriers in trade: standardization and assessment of conformity
  2. Development of strategy in the sphere of financial services: movement of capital
  3. Development of strategy in the sphere of public procurement
  4. Development of strategy in the sphere of sanitary and phytosanitary regulation
  5. Development of strategy in the sphere of legal protection for intellectual property
  6. Preparation of strategic policy documents in the transport sphere with the purpose of implementing a future Association agreement with the EU in the part related to the creation of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU
  7. Development of mechanisms on the gradual implementation of the Chapters “Environment” and “Trade and sustainable development of the agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU” within the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU
  8. Development of strategy in the energy sphere.
  9. Development of strategy in the taxation sphere.

List of policy analysis groups related to the implementation of priorities of the civil service reform:

  1. Reforming the classification of positions in connection with remuneration system for civil servants
  2. Introduction of new approaches to annual assessment of the performance of civil servants
  3. Reform of the system of professional training for civil servants on the basis of competency profiles for middle and high rank of civil servants

Training program for policy analysis groups in 2009 includes the review of the following topics:

  • "Process of policy development – step by step. Documents related to policy planning. Methods of situation analysis”;
  • “Problem identification. Results and outputs. Logical matrix”;
  • “Formulation of policy goals. Results and outputs. Logical matrix”;
  • “Identification and choice of alternative options of solving problems”;
  • “Analysis of the impact of government decisions. Risk analysis and cost evaluation”;
  • ”Public consultation. Effective communications with stakeholders”;
  • “Planning of policy implementation and monitoring”.


1. A policy on Overcoming Technical Trade Barriers: Standartization and Confirmity Assessment

(Participants : State Committee on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine)

2. Consultations on Improving the Investment Climate in the Agriculture Sector of the Ukrainian Economy

(Participants : National Bank of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine)

3. Determination of Optimal Ways to Reduce the Level of Privacy in Ukraine with Respect to Copyright and Related Rights in the Course of Circulation of Copyright Objects on Tangible Mediums

(Participants : Ministry of education and science of Ukraine ( State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine),Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine,Ministry of Justice of Ukraine,Ministry of Justice of Ukraine)

4. Development of Water Resource Management Policy under the "Environment" Section of the EU- Ukraine Association Agreement

(Participants : Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine,Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, State Committee on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine)

5. Dissemination of Information on Public Procurement: Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to the acquis communautaire

(Participants : Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine)

6. Harmonization of the National Aviation Safety System with European Standarts within the Framework of the Common Aviation area Agreement. Participation of Ukraine in the European Aviation Safety Agency

(Participants : Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)

7. Harmonization of Ukrainian Legislation on the Application of Excise Duty on Alcohol and Tobacco Products in the Context of a Future Agreement on Association with the EU

(Participants:Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Administration of Ukraine)

8. Improvement of Risk Management in the Financial Services Sphere in Ukraine

(Participants : Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,Ministry of Justice of Ukraine,State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine, Securities and Stock Market State Commission, National Bank of Ukraine)

9. Priority Efforts for the Integration of Unified Power System of Ukraine into Unified Power System of the EU

(Participants : Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice, National Electricity Regulatory Commission of Ukraine)

10. Strategy for the Improvement of State Sanitary and Phytosanitary Control and Surveillance at State Border Crossings

(Participants : Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian policy of Ukraine, State Committee for Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine)

The action plan for policy analysis groups for 2009 envisages the conduct of public discussion of respective analytical papers with the participation of stakeholders. International experts having practical work experience in government of the EU member states will be involved in the conduct of training sessions and consultative support for the functioning of policy analysis groups.

Organization of the functioning of policy analysis groups, expert and methodological support for their work are components of the scientific research “Development of policy analysis groups in the system of executive bodies in Ukraine” commissioned by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to standards of the European Union and implemented by the Center for Social Expertise under the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Science of Ukraine.


Policy analysis groups 2007-2008 info

Всеукраїнський конкурс „Приязна адміністрація” EN

Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:48

Європейська інтеграція


Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:46


TAIEX is an external assistance instrument provided by the European Commission to exchange information with the aim of institutional building needed for approximation of national legislation to acquis communautaire.

The Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) was founded by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission in 1996 year as a program, that provided an assistance to the candidate countries to manage the issues of introduction of EU legislation (acquis communautaire) in short terms.

The distinguishing features of TAIEX instrument is focusing on solving problems of development and integration, which requires from the beneficiary-countries administrations initiative, independent determination of the necessities, requests preparation and its submitting and at last mobility (it takes 1 or 2 months from the moment of sending a request on-line to the moment of giving assistance) which gives a possibility to use TAIEX for the solution of ad hoc issues.

The services currently provided by TAIEX are:

  • Experts sent to a beneficiary country to advise on legislative acts and interpretation of the acquis, or to provide guidance on administrative arrangements for its implementation and enforcement.
  • Study visits providing opportunities for officials of beneficiary countries to understand how Member States deal with practical issues related to the implementation and enforcement of the acquis and issues related to the interaction with stakeholders.
  • Seminars and Workshops to present and explain issues related to the acquis to a wider audience. Such assistance can be focussed on the needs of an individual country or of a group of countries facing similar challenges. The multi-country format also provides a valuable opportunity to network and to exchange experience between beneficiary countries.
  • The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance includes those sectors, both public and private, who have a role to play in the beneficiary countries in the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU legislation.

The main target groups are:

  • civil servants of public administrations;
  • civil servants of administrations at sub-national level; associations of local authorities;
  • members of Parliaments and civil servants of Parliaments and Legislative Councils;
  • professional and commercial associations representing social partners, as well as representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations;
  • judiciary and law-enforcement authorities;
  • interpreters, revisers and translators of legislative texts.

The use of an external assistance of European Commission within the framework TAIEX in Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for Preparation and Application of Plan of involvement of European Commission’s external assistance in the framework of TAIEX, that was ratified by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 316 dated of April 9, 2008.

Information note on TAIEX operations in Ukraine

 Forquestions and proposals please contact:

Natalia Goriainova  (044)279-54-30 ;

Sushchenko olena  (044)256-00-89 ;


Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:47



SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) is a joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), principally financed by the EU (

In all countries SIGMA aimed at:

- assist beneficiary countries in their search for good governance to improveadministrative efficiency and promote adherence of public sector staff todemocratic values, ethics and respect of the rule of law;

- help build up indigenous capacities at the central governmental level to facethe challenges of globalisation and of European Union integration plans;

- support initiatives of the European Union and other donors to assistbeneficiary countries in public administration reform.

At the request of the Ukrainian government, with the financial support of DFID (the UK Department for International Development), SIDA (the Swedish International Development Agency) and upon the endorsement of the European Commission, SIGMA carried out governance assessment in Ukraine at the beginning of 2006. The assessment was developed according to SIGMA’s competence, methodology and baselines that are usually used to assess public administration in candidate countries.

A final report was delivered in March 2006, and its main conclusions were presented at an international conference “Strategy of Administrating the Reform: SIGMA Recommendations to the Ukraine’s Government” held in Kiev in July 2006. In 2007, SIGMA presented an updated report.

In 2008, the European Commission decided to allow the countries covered by the European Neighborhood Policy to use an institution building instrument of European Commission, SIGMA, in 2008-2011. Active use of this opportunity by Ukraine will enable to engage leading European experts to the adaptation of administrative legislation and administrative justice, cost management, control, internal and external audit, procurement, civil service, policy coordination and regulatory management to the standards of the European Union.

The documents related to governance assessment:

Presentations of the international conference “Strategy of Administrating the Reform: SIGMA Recommendations to the Ukraine’s Government” (July 2006):

in English:

in Ukrainian:

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