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Thursday, 31 January 2013 11:47


Comprehensive Institution Building Programme (CIB) is a part of the European Union’s initiative "Eastern Partnership". The Eastern Partnership is a project which was presented by the foreign minister of Poland at the EU's General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels on 26 May 2008. The Eastern Partnership was inaugurated in Prague on 7 May 2009. The members of the Eastern Partnership consists of the the European Union and its neighbors - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

The Eastern Partnership is provided with additional to the European Neighborhood Policy funding of Euro 350 million for 2010 – 2013 for six countries of this initiative, including Euro 175 million for the CIB programme. For Ukraine, at least Euro 43.37 million on the CIB programme was allocated.

Full-scale realisation of the CIB programme is expected in the first quarter 2011.

Twinning will be the basis for the CIB implementation. Other key institutional building tools will include the possibility of training sessions, study tours, exchange of civil servants with similar institutions in EU Member States and Ukraine. Financing may be available to purchase specialised equipment and infrastructure (e.g., laboratories) that are required for state agencies in the adaptation to EU norms and standards.

According to the Draft Guidelines on the Implementation of the CIB in Ukraine in 2010, key ministries and agencies for piloting CIB should be identified and plans for institutional reform should be developed.

  • On 23 – 24 February 2010 a mission of the European Commission was held. During the mission proposals to reform the system and structure of central executive bodies were presented. As a result, Joint Operational Conclusions were signed.
  • Letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (MFA), No 311/13-110/4 of 2 March 2010 submitted the proposal to consolidate the preparation of proposals for the erection of the framework document for the CIB programme at the MDCSU. Offers of the MFA were supported by the Government of Ukraine (CMU instruction No 2879/52/1-10 of 11 March 2010).
  • According to the Instruction, the MDCSU carried out work on the format and content of the institutional reforms plans to be approved by the European side. On 18 March 2010 at the special meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the MDCSU proposals to the structure of institutional development plans were presented.
  • On 15 March 2010 the Ukrainian side received a Draft Framework Document of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme, prepared by the European Commission.

Substance of the MDCSU proposals to content of the institutional reforms plans within the CIB programme:

  • Focus on the priorities arising from the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement;
  • Reform and structure central executive bodies system;
  • Incorporate four components of institutional capacity (mission and functions, structure, personnel regulations and procedures);
  • Incorporate cross-cutting issues: e-governance, staff training.
  • On 14 April 2010 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine submitted an updated version of the Framework Document of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme, taking into account the proposed by the MDCSU sample institutional reforms plans to the Draft Framework Document (this Ukrainian version of the Framework Documents was transferred to the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine).
Friday, 25 January 2013 17:57

About Center

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 4, 2008 # 528 ruled to rename the Center for Support of the Civil Service Institutional Development into Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, and enhanced its competencies. The purpose of that change was to strengthen institutional reforms in the public sector, first of all, an administrative reform, civil service reform, and personnel management reform in the public sector through the adaptation of the civil service to standards of the European Union.

The Center for Support of the Civil Service Institutional Development was established under the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 485 of April 14, 2004 with the mission of providing informational, analytical, expert and organizational support to the development of public administration, strengthening of institutional capacity of the civil service of Ukraine and its adaptation to the standards of the European Union.

The main spheres of the Center’s activity included law-making in the sphere of the civil service, functional review of central executive power bodies, introduction of a quality management system to the functioning of state authorities, personnel development and capacity building for personnel units within state authorities, and production of regular analytical and information publications with the aim of spreading news ideas and best practices in the sphere of the civil service and administrative reform.

This resolution endorsed the Statute of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union. The Statute entrusted the Center with the following tasks:

contributing to the development of the initiatives related to public policy making and law-making activity in the sphere of public administration, adaptation to the standards of the European Union, and application of institution building instruments in Ukraine;
providing scientific, expert, informational, analytical, methodological, and organizational support to the preparation and implementation of programs and measures in the above noted sphere;
improving professional expertise of officials in local government bodies, above all of those who occupy positions of I-IV categories, and of other experts;
providing advisory support to state authorities and local government bodies, spreading legal, scientific and other information about public administration, adaptation to the standards of the European Union, and application of institution building instruments in Ukraine;
contributing to the cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, providing, within the limits of its competence, consultative and methodological support as well as monitoring of the activity of executive power bodies related to the fulfillment of commitments undertaken by Ukraine before the European Union and international organizations;
assisting the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine in implementing its tasks and functions related to the application of institution building instruments in Ukraine.

Thus, the functions of developing and implementing institution building instruments in Ukraine that before had been entrusted to the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine and had been fulfilled according to its orders, have been singled out into a separate sphere of the Center’s activity.

At present, the activity of the reformed Center focuses on modernizing public administration, harmonizing it with standards of the European Union, improving the mechanism of applying institution building instruments of the European Union: Twinning, TAIEX і SIGMA, in Ukraine, enhancing professional expertise of civil servants, expanding efforts towards informing the society on European integration issues, improving quality and broadening the scope of scientific research that is aimed at the development of the civil service and public administration.

Thursday, 17 January 2013 15:30

Home page

We are glad to welcome you on our site!

We are convinced that those efforts on the reforming of public administration and public service, groundwork and ideas, which have been subject of our diligent work since 2004, will be interesting and useful for you.

We have in our credit implementation of institutional building instruments Twinning , TAIEX and SIGMA in Ukraine, network development of policy analysis groups, proposals on the public administration improvement, particularly on system and structure building of executive bodies according to the functional principle, maintenance of Register of public and administrative services, legislation elaboration in the sphere of public service, establishment of national database of electronic personal files of public servants, and other e-government projects, study of public service history in Ukraine as well as contribution to the renaissance of democratic administrative traditions. Our proposals and tangible results of performance along with study of world and domestic trends in public service functioning have become subjects for a number of publications, inter alia, for informational bulletin „Bureaucrat” as well as they are discussed by the leading experts pending different communicative events.

We hope that you will share our ideas and help us in achieving our aim — adoption of high standard proposed by the European Union in everyday work of public servants.

Sincerely yours,
team of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 13:04

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Thursday, 17 January 2013 15:30

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Thursday, 17 January 2013 15:30

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