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TAIEX is an external assistance instrument provided by the European Commission to exchange information with the aim of institutional building needed for approximation of national legislation to acquis communautaire.

The Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) was founded by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission in 1996 year as a program, that provided an assistance to the candidate countries to manage the issues of introduction of EU legislation (acquis communautaire) in short terms.

The distinguishing features of TAIEX instrument is focusing on solving problems of development and integration, which requires from the beneficiary-countries administrations initiative, independent determination of the necessities, requests preparation and its submitting and at last mobility (it takes 1 or 2 months from the moment of sending a request on-line to the moment of giving assistance) which gives a possibility to use TAIEX for the solution of ad hoc issues.

The services currently provided by TAIEX are:

  • Experts sent to a beneficiary country to advise on legislative acts and interpretation of the acquis, or to provide guidance on administrative arrangements for its implementation and enforcement.
  • Study visits providing opportunities for officials of beneficiary countries to understand how Member States deal with practical issues related to the implementation and enforcement of the acquis and issues related to the interaction with stakeholders.
  • Seminars and Workshops to present and explain issues related to the acquis to a wider audience. Such assistance can be focussed on the needs of an individual country or of a group of countries facing similar challenges. The multi-country format also provides a valuable opportunity to network and to exchange experience between beneficiary countries.
  • The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance includes those sectors, both public and private, who have a role to play in the beneficiary countries in the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU legislation.

The main target groups are:

  • civil servants of public administrations;
  • civil servants of administrations at sub-national level; associations of local authorities;
  • members of Parliaments and civil servants of Parliaments and Legislative Councils;
  • professional and commercial associations representing social partners, as well as representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations;
  • judiciary and law-enforcement authorities;
  • interpreters, revisers and translators of legislative texts.

The use of an external assistance of European Commission within the framework TAIEX in Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for Preparation and Application of Plan of involvement of European Commission’s external assistance in the framework of TAIEX, that was ratified by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 316 dated of April 9, 2008.

Information note on TAIEX operations in Ukraine

 Forquestions and proposals please contact:

Natalia Goriainova  (044)279-54-30 ; natalia.goriainova@center.gov.ua

Sushchenko olena  (044)256-00-89 ; olena.sushchenko@center.gov.ua


Read 10068 times Last modified on Thursday, 21 March 2013 09:26

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