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Legislative Framework and Methodology

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List of documents related to the legislative framework of functional review (all documents are availible on Ukrainian version of the web-site):

- Law of Ukraine “On State Budget of Ukraine in 2007” (Article 87)
- Decree of the President of Ukraine “About the Concept of Adaptation of the Institute of Civil Service of Ukraine to the Standards of the European Union” from 05.03.2004 # 278

- Decree of the President of Ukraine “About a resolution of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine from 14.03.2005 “About Principles of Reforming the System of Central Bodies of Executive Power” from 15.04.2005 # 658

- Civil Service Development Program for 2005-2010 endorsed by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 08.06.2004 # 746

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 16.11.2006 # 70-r “On Formation of the Coordinating Council on the Conduct of Functional Review of Central Bodies of Executive Power”

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 15.08.2007 # 657-r “On Approval of the Action Plan on the Implementation of the Concept of Fighiting Corruption in Ukraine “On the Way to Integrity” till 2010”

- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 19.09.2007 # 745-r “On Approval of the Action Plan for 2008 on the Implementation of the State Strategy of Regional Development for the Period till 2015 ”

- Procedure of carrying out a functional review of executive power bodies ratified by an order of the Main Deparment of the Civil Service of Ukraine from 29.07.2005 # 189 and registred in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.08.2005 under # 901/11181

List of documents related to the methodology of functional review (all documents are availible on the Ukrainian version of the web-site):

Form of a passport of functions for the functional review with the purpose of carrying out measures related to the preparation and conduct of the final part of European soccer championship in Ukraine in 2012

Procedure of carrying out functional review of executive power bodies endorsed by an order of the Main Department of the Civil service of Ukraine from 29.07.2005 # 189 that was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.08.2005 under 01/11181

Methodological guidelines on filling out the forms required according to the Procedure of carrying out functional review of bodies of executive power that were ratified by an order of the Main Department of the Civil service of Ukraine from 29.01.2007 # 22

Appendix 1 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 2 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 3 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 4 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 5 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power
Appendix 6 to Methodological guidelines on carrying out the functional review of local bodies of executive power

Guidelines on filling the passport of function by structural departments of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (developed by an independent expert - N.I. Baldich)

Guidelines on drafting a final report about the results of functional review of an independent structural department (government body) under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (developed by an independent expert - M of F. Kropivkom)

Guidelines on drafting lists of functions of independent structural departments and clarification of the passports of functions under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, which departments are involved in execution (developed by an independent expert - M of F. Kropivkom)

Guidelines on writing a general report and other materials on the issues of carrying out functional review of local bodies of executive power (developed by a civil service department under the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk oblast)

Read 12045 times Last modified on Monday, 11 February 2013 09:13

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