Modern gender policy

  Institutional mechanism  
    Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (hereinafter – VRU) is the legislative authority of Ukraine, whose powers are concentrated on legislative work, in particular, in the area of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, as well as the issue of ratification of international treaties. It is the VRU that has the functions of forming the state gender policy in all spheres of public life.  

1)determines the basic principles of gender policy of the state; 

2)applies the principle of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in legislative activities; 

3)exercise parliamentary control over the implementation of legislative acts on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.

At present, the issues of gender policy implementation are in 2 committees:

1.Committee on Human Rights, Deoccupation and Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, national minorities, and interethnic relations.

2.Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation. Sub-committee on Ukraine’s Compliance with International Commitments in Human Rights Protection and Gender Policy.
    Parliamentary hearings are one of the institutional mechanisms of gender policy formation.  
     Powers 1) within the framework of monitoring the observance of the rights and freedoms of a human being and a citizen, monitors the observance of equal rights and opportunities for women and men; 

2) considers the application of cases of gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence; highlights the issue of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and gender-based violence in the annual report.

    Human Rights Council Advisory Committee  
    An important component of the interaction of the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the VRU with civil society is the activity of consultative and advisory bodies. By order No. 122.15/19 as of December 20, 2019 the Human Rights Council Advisory Committeewas established, its regulations and composition were approved, and the order of the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the VRU as of July 10, 2012 No. 6/8 -12 “On the Establishment of an Advisory Committee” was canceled. There are 20 men and 1 woman among the members of the Advisory Committee.   
    Coordination Council on Non-Discrimination and Gender Equality  
    The Coordination Council on Non-Discrimination and Gender Equality was established by order No. 40/02-18 as of August 07, 2018. It was established to develop legislative proposals and provide advisory and expert support on preventing and countering discrimination and ensuring gender equality.  
    In the system of executive authorities, the highest authority in the area of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter – CMU).  

- ensures the implementation of a unified state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life; 

-adopts the National Action Plan on gender equality, prevention and combating gender-based violence and ensures its implementation; 

-develops and implements state target programs for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence; 

-directs and coordinates the work of ministries and other executive authorities on ensuring gender equality, preventing and combating gender-based violence; 

-organizes the preparation of a state report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women in Ukraine; 

-takes into account the principle of gender equality when adopting normative legal acts; 

-approves the procedure for conducting a gender legal examination; 

-exercises other powers in this area provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
    Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine  

In 2017, for the first time, the issue of gender equality was supported at the highest political level. Thus, since March 01, 2017, the Government assigned the duties of implementing state policy in this area to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. This practice was continued to coordinate the work of central executive authorities and other state authorities in the area of gender policy. By resolution “On defining issues within the competence of the Vice Prime Ministers of Ukraine” No. 274 as of March 26, 2020, the CMU defined the list of issues within the competence of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, in particular, regarding gender policy:

  • implementation of the state policy of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
  • coordination of the interaction of central executive authorities within the framework of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
    Government Commissioner for Gender Policy  
    In order to strengthen the coordination of the work of executive authorities, as well as for the practical implementation of the principle of gender equality in all spheres of public life, the Government, by its Resolution No. 390 as of June 07, 2017, introduced the position of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy (hereinafter - the Government Commissioner) and approved the relevant Regulation. Through its activities, the Government Commissioner contributes to the coordination of actions on implementation of recommendations of international institutions on human rights and the recommendations and comments of international monitoring missions and international organizations by central and local executive authorities, local self-government authorities, provides information to the public through mass media on ensuring of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life, as well as on the decision-making by the CMU on the specified issues.  
    Interdepartmental Council on Family, Gender Equality, Demographic Development, Prevention of Domestic Violence and Combating Trafficking in Human Being  
    In order to coordinate the work in the area of gender policy, to combat domestic violence and trafficking in human beings, the Interdepartmental Council on Family, Gender Equality, Demographic Development, Prevention of Domestic Violence and Combating Trafficking in Human Being was established by the Resolution of the CMU No. 1087 as of 05 September 2007 “On consultative and advisory bodies on issues of family, gender equality, demographic development, prevention of family violence and combating trafficking in human being”.  
    Commission on coordination of interaction of executive authorities on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  
    In order to ensure the coordinated actions of the executive authorities on the implementation of a unified state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life, the Commission on coordination of interaction of executive authorities on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men was established (resolution of the CMU as of September 02, 2020 No. 784).  
    The Ministry of Social Policy is currently designated as the special authorised central executive authority for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, in accordance with the legislation. Thus, on June 17, 2015, the resolution of the CMU No. 423 “On Approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine” approved the Regulation on the Ministry of Social Policy.  

- develops measures aimed at ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of society

- forms the National Action Plan on gender equality implementation

- summarizes the implementation of state programs on gender equality

- carries out, within the limits of the powers provided by law, control over the observance of gender equality during the resolution of personnel issues in central and local executive authorities

- organizes training of civil servants on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men 

- prepares, together with other central executive authorities, scientifically based proposals for ensuring gender equality 

- organizes, in the established procedure, the conduct of scientific and expert research on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men 

- monitors and summarizes the results of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in different spheres of society 

- makes suggestions regarding the application of positive actions and their termination.
    The Ministry of Justice, in accordance with Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” and resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of November 28, 2018 No. 997 “The Issues of Conducting Gender-Legal Expertise”, carries out gender-legal expertise of legislation and draft legal acts, as well as anti-discrimination expertise.  
    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is actively involved in the process of implementation the main international commitments of Ukraine regarding the establishment of gender equality and is one of the main subjects of the implementation of gender policy in Ukraine on the issues of combating sexual harassment, preventing domestic violence, child abuse, and combating trafficking in human being, and is also responsible for accepting and considering complaints about facts of discrimination based on gender. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the first departments where an authorised unit for compliance with gender equality has been created in the apparatus, changes have been made to the functional duties of the heads of all levels of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in terms of compliance with the principle of equal rights and responsibilities of women and men.  

The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter – NACS) carries out a number of measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men and to overcome all forms of discrimination based on gender, in particular:

- provision of advanced training of employees of state authorities, local self-government authorities, state enterprises, institutions and organizations to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, taking into account modern international documents and recommendations of international monitoring bodies and their inclusion in professional, short-term training programs for civil servants and local self-government officials with further organization of appropriate training;

- quarterly collection of information on the number of civil servants (order of the NACS as of May 20, 2020 No. 80-20 “On approval of the reporting form of QCCS “Report on the quantitative composition of civil servants” and the Instruction on its completion”, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in June 01,3 2020 by No. 484/34767), this includes collecting and processing information on the number of civil servants by gender and age group, categories and subcategories of civil service positions, etc.
    The Ministry of Finance included gender budgeting in the Public Finance Management Strategy for 2017-2021, and in January 2019 adopted “Methodological recommendations for the implementation and application of a gender-oriented approach in the budget process”. This document can be used by the main budget managers and other participants of the budget process to take into account gender aspects in the process of planning, implementation and reporting on the implementation of budget programs.  
    The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine promotes the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine. For this, the #SheExports Platform was created in the Export Promotion Office. The purpose of the platform is to contribute to the expansion of economic opportunities for women in Ukraine and to encourage Ukrainian businesswomen, women entrepreneurs and women exporters.  
    In January 2018, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Developmentadopted a Code of equal opportunities and is currently passing the assessment of the capacity to implement state gender policy and non-discrimination.  
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joined the international movement for gender equality HeForShe and conducted a gender audit within the structure.  
    The Ministry of Education and Science initiated an anti-discrimination examination of the drafts of textbooks.  
    The Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporary Occupied Territories conducted a gender assessment of the central apparatus.  
    The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy produced and presented the video “In the Profession, All Are Equal”.  

1) ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

2) implement national and regional programs on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence;

3) create conditions for women and men to combine professional and family responsibilities;

4) conduct educational activities on gender equality, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

5) cooperate with public associations to ensure equality of rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

6) submit proposals for improving the legislation on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence;

7) collect and provide information on gender-based violence, as well as general and specialized support services for victims;

8) participate in the training of specialists on issues of realization of equal rights and opportunities of women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

9) contribute to scientific developments in gender research;

10) adhere to the principle of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in their activities;

11) carry out positive actions.


Among the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men”, there is a norm (Article 12 of the Law), which indicates that the formation and implementation of gender policy in executive and local self-government authorities is ensured by work of: 

  • authorised persons (coordinators); 
  • advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men; 
  • consultative and advisory bodies; 
  • responsible structural divisions.
    Authorised person (coordinator) on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  

The fulfillment of the duties of an authorised person (coordinator) on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence is entrusted to one of the deputy ministers, the deputy head of another executive authority, who within their powers organize the work of the relevant executive authorities and local self-government authorities regarding: 

  • taking into account the principle of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the relevant field of activity; 
  • conducting an analysis of the state of ensuring gender equality and studying the expediency of applying positive actions in order to overcome asymmetry and imbalance in the relevant territory or industry; 
  • coordination of measures in the field of prevention and combating gender-based violence and monitoring of their implementation at the local level; 
  • cooperation with public associations and foreign non-governmental organizations, summarizing the information received from them concerning monitoring of the state of compliance with the equality of women and men, the situation in the field of prevention and combating gender-based violence, and joint development of ways to eliminate gender-based discrimination; 
  • carrying out constant information and propaganda activities regarding the elimination of all forms of discrimination based on gender; 
  • taking measures aimed at creating the gender culture of the population; 
  • organization of reception of citizens on issues of discrimination based on gender; 
  • consideration and analysis of appeals from citizens on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, as well as on issues of committing gender-based violence, investigating its causes, and reporting them to law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law; 
  • training of employees of central and local executive authorities, local self-government authorities on gender issues, aimed at developing relevant skills during the implementation of functions and tasks in this area, providing assistance and protection to the victims; 
  • taking measures to eliminate discrimination based on gender.

According to Articles 12 and 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” of September 8, 2005 No. 2866-IV, Nataliia Aliushyna, the Head of the NACS, was appointed as the authorised person (coordinator) on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the NACS.

    Advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  

Among the tasks of advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men are:

  • preparation of proposals for developed draft legal acts, as well as participation in their development; 
  • analysis of the state of compliance with gender equality during the resolution of personnel issues in the appropriate authority, taking into account the indicator of proportionally balanced representation of candidates of each gender; 
  • studying the need and possibility of application, as well as the termination of positive actions  – special temporary measures aimed at eliminating the imbalance between the opportunities of women and men to exercise equal rights granted to them by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine;
  • preparation of methodological recommendations on the organization of the activity of the authority, taking into account the National Action Plan on gender equality implementation;
  • participation in the preparation and holding of scientific and practical conferences, interdepartmental organizational events dedicated to these issues; 
  • studying foreign experience and preparation of proposals on expediency of its application in the work of the authority, etc.
    Local state administrations and local self-government authorities within their competence in accordance with paragraphs 2-13 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” are also empowered to ensure the equality of men and women. In regional state administrations and united territorial communities, authorised persons (coordinators) must be appointed, appropriate policies and procedures must be adopted to implement the policy of equal rights and opportunities and combat discrimination.  

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Modern gender policy

  Institutional mechanism  
    Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (hereinafter – VRU) is the legislative authority of Ukraine, whose powers are concentrated on legislative work, in particular, in the area of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, as well as the issue of ratification of international treaties. It is the VRU that has the functions of forming the state gender policy in all spheres of public life.  

1)determines the basic principles of gender policy of the state; 

2)applies the principle of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in legislative activities; 

3)exercise parliamentary control over the implementation of legislative acts on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.

At present, the issues of gender policy implementation are in 2 committees:

1.Committee on Human Rights, Deoccupation and Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, national minorities, and interethnic relations.

2.Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation. Sub-committee on Ukraine’s Compliance with International Commitments in Human Rights Protection and Gender Policy.
    Parliamentary hearings are one of the institutional mechanisms of gender policy formation.  
     Powers 1) within the framework of monitoring the observance of the rights and freedoms of a human being and a citizen, monitors the observance of equal rights and opportunities for women and men; 

2) considers the application of cases of gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence; highlights the issue of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and gender-based violence in the annual report.

    Human Rights Council Advisory Committee  
    An important component of the interaction of the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the VRU with civil society is the activity of consultative and advisory bodies. By order No. 122.15/19 as of December 20, 2019 the Human Rights Council Advisory Committeewas established, its regulations and composition were approved, and the order of the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the VRU as of July 10, 2012 No. 6/8 -12 “On the Establishment of an Advisory Committee” was canceled. There are 20 men and 1 woman among the members of the Advisory Committee.   
    Coordination Council on Non-Discrimination and Gender Equality  
    The Coordination Council on Non-Discrimination and Gender Equality was established by order No. 40/02-18 as of August 07, 2018. It was established to develop legislative proposals and provide advisory and expert support on preventing and countering discrimination and ensuring gender equality.  
    In the system of executive authorities, the highest authority in the area of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter – CMU).  

- ensures the implementation of a unified state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life; 

-adopts the National Action Plan on gender equality, prevention and combating gender-based violence and ensures its implementation; 

-develops and implements state target programs for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence; 

-directs and coordinates the work of ministries and other executive authorities on ensuring gender equality, preventing and combating gender-based violence; 

-organizes the preparation of a state report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women in Ukraine; 

-takes into account the principle of gender equality when adopting normative legal acts; 

-approves the procedure for conducting a gender legal examination; 

-exercises other powers in this area provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
    Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine  

In 2017, for the first time, the issue of gender equality was supported at the highest political level. Thus, since March 01, 2017, the Government assigned the duties of implementing state policy in this area to the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. This practice was continued to coordinate the work of central executive authorities and other state authorities in the area of gender policy. By resolution “On defining issues within the competence of the Vice Prime Ministers of Ukraine” No. 274 as of March 26, 2020, the CMU defined the list of issues within the competence of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, in particular, regarding gender policy:

  • implementation of the state policy of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
  • coordination of the interaction of central executive authorities within the framework of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
    Government Commissioner for Gender Policy  
    In order to strengthen the coordination of the work of executive authorities, as well as for the practical implementation of the principle of gender equality in all spheres of public life, the Government, by its Resolution No. 390 as of June 07, 2017, introduced the position of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy (hereinafter - the Government Commissioner) and approved the relevant Regulation. Through its activities, the Government Commissioner contributes to the coordination of actions on implementation of recommendations of international institutions on human rights and the recommendations and comments of international monitoring missions and international organizations by central and local executive authorities, local self-government authorities, provides information to the public through mass media on ensuring of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life, as well as on the decision-making by the CMU on the specified issues.  
    Interdepartmental Council on Family, Gender Equality, Demographic Development, Prevention of Domestic Violence and Combating Trafficking in Human Being  
    In order to coordinate the work in the area of gender policy, to combat domestic violence and trafficking in human beings, the Interdepartmental Council on Family, Gender Equality, Demographic Development, Prevention of Domestic Violence and Combating Trafficking in Human Being was established by the Resolution of the CMU No. 1087 as of 05 September 2007 “On consultative and advisory bodies on issues of family, gender equality, demographic development, prevention of family violence and combating trafficking in human being”.  
    Commission on coordination of interaction of executive authorities on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  
    In order to ensure the coordinated actions of the executive authorities on the implementation of a unified state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of public life, the Commission on coordination of interaction of executive authorities on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men was established (resolution of the CMU as of September 02, 2020 No. 784).  
    The Ministry of Social Policy is currently designated as the special authorised central executive authority for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, in accordance with the legislation. Thus, on June 17, 2015, the resolution of the CMU No. 423 “On Approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine” approved the Regulation on the Ministry of Social Policy.  

- develops measures aimed at ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of society

- forms the National Action Plan on gender equality implementation

- summarizes the implementation of state programs on gender equality

- carries out, within the limits of the powers provided by law, control over the observance of gender equality during the resolution of personnel issues in central and local executive authorities

- organizes training of civil servants on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men 

- prepares, together with other central executive authorities, scientifically based proposals for ensuring gender equality 

- organizes, in the established procedure, the conduct of scientific and expert research on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men 

- monitors and summarizes the results of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in different spheres of society 

- makes suggestions regarding the application of positive actions and their termination.
    The Ministry of Justice, in accordance with Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” and resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of November 28, 2018 No. 997 “The Issues of Conducting Gender-Legal Expertise”, carries out gender-legal expertise of legislation and draft legal acts, as well as anti-discrimination expertise.  
    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is actively involved in the process of implementation the main international commitments of Ukraine regarding the establishment of gender equality and is one of the main subjects of the implementation of gender policy in Ukraine on the issues of combating sexual harassment, preventing domestic violence, child abuse, and combating trafficking in human being, and is also responsible for accepting and considering complaints about facts of discrimination based on gender. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the first departments where an authorised unit for compliance with gender equality has been created in the apparatus, changes have been made to the functional duties of the heads of all levels of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in terms of compliance with the principle of equal rights and responsibilities of women and men.  

The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter – NACS) carries out a number of measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men and to overcome all forms of discrimination based on gender, in particular:

- provision of advanced training of employees of state authorities, local self-government authorities, state enterprises, institutions and organizations to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, taking into account modern international documents and recommendations of international monitoring bodies and their inclusion in professional, short-term training programs for civil servants and local self-government officials with further organization of appropriate training;

- quarterly collection of information on the number of civil servants (order of the NACS as of May 20, 2020 No. 80-20 “On approval of the reporting form of QCCS “Report on the quantitative composition of civil servants” and the Instruction on its completion”, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in June 01,3 2020 by No. 484/34767), this includes collecting and processing information on the number of civil servants by gender and age group, categories and subcategories of civil service positions, etc.
    The Ministry of Finance included gender budgeting in the Public Finance Management Strategy for 2017-2021, and in January 2019 adopted “Methodological recommendations for the implementation and application of a gender-oriented approach in the budget process”. This document can be used by the main budget managers and other participants of the budget process to take into account gender aspects in the process of planning, implementation and reporting on the implementation of budget programs.  
    The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine promotes the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine. For this, the #SheExports Platform was created in the Export Promotion Office. The purpose of the platform is to contribute to the expansion of economic opportunities for women in Ukraine and to encourage Ukrainian businesswomen, women entrepreneurs and women exporters.  
    In January 2018, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Developmentadopted a Code of equal opportunities and is currently passing the assessment of the capacity to implement state gender policy and non-discrimination.  
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joined the international movement for gender equality HeForShe and conducted a gender audit within the structure.  
    The Ministry of Education and Science initiated an anti-discrimination examination of the drafts of textbooks.  
    The Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporary Occupied Territories conducted a gender assessment of the central apparatus.  
    The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy produced and presented the video “In the Profession, All Are Equal”.  

1) ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

2) implement national and regional programs on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence;

3) create conditions for women and men to combine professional and family responsibilities;

4) conduct educational activities on gender equality, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

5) cooperate with public associations to ensure equality of rights and opportunities for women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

6) submit proposals for improving the legislation on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence;

7) collect and provide information on gender-based violence, as well as general and specialized support services for victims;

8) participate in the training of specialists on issues of realization of equal rights and opportunities of women and men, prevention and combating gender-based violence;

9) contribute to scientific developments in gender research;

10) adhere to the principle of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in their activities;

11) carry out positive actions.


Among the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men”, there is a norm (Article 12 of the Law), which indicates that the formation and implementation of gender policy in executive and local self-government authorities is ensured by work of: 

  • authorised persons (coordinators); 
  • advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men; 
  • consultative and advisory bodies; 
  • responsible structural divisions.
    Authorised person (coordinator) on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  

The fulfillment of the duties of an authorised person (coordinator) on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, preventing and combating gender-based violence is entrusted to one of the deputy ministers, the deputy head of another executive authority, who within their powers organize the work of the relevant executive authorities and local self-government authorities regarding: 

  • taking into account the principle of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the relevant field of activity; 
  • conducting an analysis of the state of ensuring gender equality and studying the expediency of applying positive actions in order to overcome asymmetry and imbalance in the relevant territory or industry; 
  • coordination of measures in the field of prevention and combating gender-based violence and monitoring of their implementation at the local level; 
  • cooperation with public associations and foreign non-governmental organizations, summarizing the information received from them concerning monitoring of the state of compliance with the equality of women and men, the situation in the field of prevention and combating gender-based violence, and joint development of ways to eliminate gender-based discrimination; 
  • carrying out constant information and propaganda activities regarding the elimination of all forms of discrimination based on gender; 
  • taking measures aimed at creating the gender culture of the population; 
  • organization of reception of citizens on issues of discrimination based on gender; 
  • consideration and analysis of appeals from citizens on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, as well as on issues of committing gender-based violence, investigating its causes, and reporting them to law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law; 
  • training of employees of central and local executive authorities, local self-government authorities on gender issues, aimed at developing relevant skills during the implementation of functions and tasks in this area, providing assistance and protection to the victims; 
  • taking measures to eliminate discrimination based on gender.

According to Articles 12 and 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” of September 8, 2005 No. 2866-IV, Nataliia Aliushyna, the Head of the NACS, was appointed as the authorised person (coordinator) on issues of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the NACS.

    Advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men  

Among the tasks of advisers on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men are:

  • preparation of proposals for developed draft legal acts, as well as participation in their development; 
  • analysis of the state of compliance with gender equality during the resolution of personnel issues in the appropriate authority, taking into account the indicator of proportionally balanced representation of candidates of each gender; 
  • studying the need and possibility of application, as well as the termination of positive actions  – special temporary measures aimed at eliminating the imbalance between the opportunities of women and men to exercise equal rights granted to them by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine;
  • preparation of methodological recommendations on the organization of the activity of the authority, taking into account the National Action Plan on gender equality implementation;
  • participation in the preparation and holding of scientific and practical conferences, interdepartmental organizational events dedicated to these issues; 
  • studying foreign experience and preparation of proposals on expediency of its application in the work of the authority, etc.
    Local state administrations and local self-government authorities within their competence in accordance with paragraphs 2-13 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men” are also empowered to ensure the equality of men and women. In regional state administrations and united territorial communities, authorised persons (coordinators) must be appointed, appropriate policies and procedures must be adopted to implement the policy of equal rights and opportunities and combat discrimination.  
  • Twinning Institutional Building Instrument

    Twinning is a form of direct technical co-operation between public administrations and mandated bodies of the EU Member States and government authorities of Ukraine that transfers know-how and best practices between public administrations of the EU Member States and their Ukrainian counterparts.
  • TAIEX Institutional Building Instrument

    TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission, which is provided for the purpose of building institutional capacity, approximation and implementation of national legislation to the legislation of the European Union (acquis communautaire), as well as its further effective application.
  • General Information on NATO

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – is an international organization founded on April 4, 1949 in response to collective defense of Western Europe countries and North America according to the principles of Article 51 of the UN Charter.


The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) – is an easy-to-use, free tool to assist public-sector organisations across Europe in using quality management techniques to improve their performance. The CAF is a Total Quality Management (TQM) tool which is inspired by the major Total Quality models in general, and by the Excellence Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) in particular. It is especially designed for public-sector organisations, taking into account their characteristics. As of 2021, the quality management system, created in accordance with the requirements of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), is effectively functioning in 4160 organizations from 59 countries of the world.

Functional survey

The analysis of the activity of the government authority is carried out by means of a functional survey. Functional survey is an analytical technique for assessing the effectiveness of executive authorities activities, which is a tool for analyzing the functions and assessing the effectiveness of the management activities of executive authorities and their structural subdivisions.

Gender equality in civil service

The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter - NAUCS) implements a number of measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men and to overcome all forms of discrimination based on gender. Subpoint 7 of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” as of December 10, 2015 No. 889-VIII defines that one of the principles of civil service is to ensure equal access to civil service, that is, the prohibition of all forms and manifestations of discrimination, the absence of unreasonable restrictions or providing unjustified advantages to certain categories of citizens during entry and completion of civil service.

Civil competence in the civil service

The formation of civil competence is an urgent need of the present. Civil competence is understood as a person’s ability to exercise civil rights and duties actively, responsibly and effectively with the aim of developing a democratic civil society, as the quality of democracy is determined by the level of citizens’ competence.