Strengthening the institutional capacity of government authorities on NATO cooperation (1)

 In 2018, the NACS conducted the analysis of the needs of central executive authorities and other government authorities in improving the internal staffing system of their activities in the framework of the implementation of the state policy of Euro-Atlantic integration.

In addition, in 2019 the NACS provided an analysis of the needs of central executive authorities and other government authorities in strengthening the capacity of structural units dealing with NATO issues.

During 2020, in accordance with the resolution of the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, the NACS jointly with the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine provided the main part of the functional survey in 46 government authorities and institutions responsible for cooperation with NATO:

  • the first part - May 12, 2020 - August 06, 2020
  • the second part - October 19, 2020 - November 05, 2020 

The Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union has developed Methodological Recommendations for conducting a functional survey of central executive authorities, other state authorities and economic structures responsible for cooperation with NATO, approved by order of the NACS No. 73-20 as of May 08, 2020.

In addition, the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union provides organizational advisory and methodological assistance and clarifications to government authorities on the realization of the mentioned resolution and the specifics of use of methodological recommendations.

The purpose of the functional survey was to collect, analyze and systematize information on professional support of cooperation between central executive authorities, other government authorities and economic structures with NATO, in particular, within annual national programs under the auspices of the NATO – Ukraine Commission, NATO Trust Funds and others practical programs and projects.

The tasks of the functional survey were:

1) analysis of tasks and functions of government authorities and economic structures responsible for cooperation with NATO, their structural units in order to systematize, clarify, rationally allocate, supplement new (missing) functions in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration (if necessary) necessary for their full implementation powers;

2) identify:

  • the need for specialists in Euro-Atlantic integration;
  • the need to create separate structural units for Euro-Atlantic integration;
  • professional training needs of staff whose functional responsibilities include developing, monitoring and evaluating the results of the ANP, Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration and cooperation with NATO, indicating the areas, forms and types of such training;
  • the ratio of the number of experts on European integration to the number of specialists on Euro-Atlantic integration.

In accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, the Center has developed Methodical recommendations for conducting a functional survey in 2020 of central executive authorities, other government agencies and economic entities responsible for cooperation with NATO, and provided clarifications on the specifics of its application.

The analytical reports were prepared based on both parts of the functional survey and submitted for the consideration to the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In addition, the results of conducting both parts of the functional survey were presented by Head of the NACS Natalia Aliushyna during the meetings of the Commission for Coordination of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, which took place on November 02, 2020 and December 15, 2020, respectively.

On the basis of the results of the functional survey and in order to strengthen the institutional capacity of government authorities involved in cooperation with NATO, as well as the professionalization of Euro-Atlantic integration system, the NACS jointly with the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine developed the following regulations and training programs:

  • Methodical recommendations on annual identifying of the needs of ministries, other central executive authorities, government authorities whose jurisdiction extends to the entire territory of Ukraine, for specialists on the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine and their professional training (order of the NACS as of May 20, 2020 No. 84-21);
  • Typical provision on a responsible separate structural unit for Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine (approved by the decision of the meeting of the Commission for Coordination of Euro-Atlantic Integration as of March 26, 2021);
  • general professional (certificate) advanced training program “Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine” (adopted by the order of the NACS as of August 31, 2021 No. 141-21);
  • general short-term program “Development, monitoring and evaluation of the results of the implementation of annual national programs under the auspices of the NATO – Ukraine Commission” (adopted by the order of the NACS as of May 24, 2021 No. 87-21);
  • special short-term training program “Training for trainers on the development, monitoring and evaluation of the results of the implementation of the ANP” (adopted by the order of the NACS as of October 23, 2021 No. 172-21).