Round Table on the Ways of Reforming of Civil Service in Ukraine was held

On April 7, 2017 at the premises of the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine the round table on the Ways of Reforming of Civil Service in Ukraine was held.

The event was organized by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine in joint cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

First Deputy General Prosecutor of Ukraine Dmytro Storozhuk in his opening speech welcomed the participants and expressed hope for fruitful cooperation on civil service capacity building in the context of the reforming of prosecutorial authorities.

Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Kostiantyn Vashchenko outlined that effective reforming of civil service as a basic component of public administration reform is a key condition for European integration of Ukraine.

Kostiantyn Vashchenko also presented the main outcomes within the framework of implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” and underlined the importance of legislative regulation and ensuring the modernization of service in local self-government authorities.

Head of Civil Service of the Republic of Poland Dobrosław Dowiat-Urbański, Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of VIII convocation Serhii Alekseev, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Roman Greba, Head of the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions of Ukraine Ruslan Hurak, Rector of the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine Ivan Prysiazhniuk and First Vice President of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Anatolii Savkov also delivered their welcoming speeches.

The participants discussed the features of civil service reform in Ukraine as well as exchanged experiences on best practices and innovations of civil service in EU Member States during the event.

Furthermore, the round table participants reviewed issues related to legal status of civil servants of the prosecutorial authorities and improvement of their professional competence as well as instruments preventing corruption risks in the activities of government authorities.

Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Maryna Kanavets during her speech presented the main outcomes of technical assistance instruments Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA Programme implementation during reform process of public administration and civil service in Ukraine.

Members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, heads of regional and local prosecutor’s offices, representatives of ministries, other central executive authorities, National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, higher education institutions, representatives of government authorities of the Republic of Poland and NGOs also attended the event. 

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