On July 05, 2019 the closing conference of the Twinning project “Support to Ukrainian administration in developing a legal and administrative set up to introduce a system of early intervention and rehabilitation for children with disability or having a risk of disability” for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine was held.
The goal of the project was to strengthen the capacity of the Ukrainian administration at central and local level in developing and introducing a system of early intervention and rehabilitation for children with disabilities and children at risk of disability thus to enhance the new role of public administration in terms of social, medical services provision including quality, accessibility, financial sustainability and an integrated approach of engaging parents in such service.
The project was implemented jointly with the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Professional Training and Social Dialogue of French Republic and French International Technical Expertise Agency (Agence Française d’Expertise Technique Internationale – AFETI) in active cooperation between the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on developing an effective regulatory basis for providing early intervention services in accordance with the standards of the European Union.
During the meeting the Resident Twinning Adviser Jean-Elie Malkin summed up the results of the Twinning project, outlined the main activities realized during implementation period within the framework of four components, in particular organization of the international conference “Early Intervention: Towards a New Paradigm through the Partnership of Professionals, Families and Society”, personal development training courses based on the Center for Advanced Training of Epleyees of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on the following issues: “Assessment of the Model of Early Intervention Services Delivery in Pilot Regions and Recommendations for its Revision”, “Comparative Analysis of European Practices on Early Intervention: Conclusions for Ukraine” and others. In addition, the list of recommendations and priority directions of further activity within the framework of the project implementation were defined in the conditions of the implementation of the deinstitutionalization reform and the introduction of early intervention services in Ukraine, aimed at creating a service that would meet the requirements of the present and the best European standards.
In addition, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Some Issues of the Activities of the National Council on Early Intervention” as of 06 March, 2019 No 175 was approved in the framework of the Twinning project. The National Council on Early Intervention is established as a temporary advisory authority of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine aimed to prepare proposals for the formation and implementation of a state policy on the introduction and development of early intervention services in Ukraine in order to protect young children with maldevelopment or the risk of any disabilities, support for parents, legal representatives of such children and to ensure the relevant protection of interests of the child.
At the same time, the first meeting of the National Council on Early Intervention headed by the Vice Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko took place in the framework of the closing conference. The participants had an opportunity to discuss implementation of the initiatives of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on the development of early intervention services in Ukraine
On behalf of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union the Chief Consultant of the Twinning Coordination Division of the Projects Management Unit Sofiia Zvarych attended the event.
For reference: according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of the Twinning Projects” as of 11 October, 2016 No 700 (in edition of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 22 August, 2018, No 663) the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service coordinates the implementation of the institution building instrument of the European Union Twinning in Ukraine. Furthermore, in accordance with relevant legal acts the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the coordinator of institution building instrument TAIEX implementation in Ukraine. In order to provide effective coordination of Twinning and TAIEX the Twinning Program Administration Office in Ukraine was established, its functions are performed by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union.
Twinning Project “Support to Ukrainian administration in developing a legal and administrative set up to introduce a system of early intervention and rehabilitation for children with disability or having a risk of disability” includes its main goals:
- to review the current legislation on rehabilitation for children with disabilities and children at risk of disability and providing them with social services;
- to prepare a project for a new system of early intervention services for children with disabilities ant at risk of disability;
- to create a basic standard and calculation of the cost of early intervention service;
- to prepare a project for reporting, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of early intervention service of Ukraine.