Representatives from Ministry Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Justice, the Main Department of the Civil Service, the Coordination Bureau of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretary of Cabinet of Ministers, Service of the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and European Commission took part in the action.
During the action it was discussed positions of the Comprehensive Institution-Building Programme, in particular questions on horizontal projects for example an electronic government, the complex institutional audit, programming the long-term probation of the Ukrainian civil servants in the EU, realization of the Programme instruments, introducing the decentralize management system of the outside EU assistance.
The Deputy Head of MDCSU Andriy Vyshnevskyy came forth with suggestion on creating the Regional Training Center, which should be a basis for the capacity boosting of the Ukrainian civil servants concerning sector questions of the EU integration. Also Andriy Vyshnevskyy expressed an opinion about necessity of the complementation the Programme to initiatives of the Ukrainian Gouverment in administration reform sphere, wich will be useful for Ukrainian authorities institutional ability.