Under the chairmanship of the Mr. Andriy Vyshnevsky, the Deputy Head of the MDCSU, the meeting was held

On 17 December, 2009, under the chairmanship of the Mr. Andriy Vyshnevsky, the Deputy Head of the MDCSU, the meeting on methodology and content of the exploration ‘Evaluation the Potential of the State Authorities for the organizing the Association Agreement Ukraine EU: steps for the improvement’   was held. The event was organized by the support of the International Centre for Policy Studies in the framework of the ‘Analytical Support of the Integration to EU’ project.

The list of the functions and tasks, potential for the execution which has been evaluated in the central executive authorities, considered the further steps of the improvement the result of the evaluation results and selected the list of bodies, which needed the additional evaluation. 24 representatives of the central executive authorities, responsible for issues of the European integration took part in the meeting.



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