The Second Training was launched for the policy analysis groups on the topic: "Determination of Problem. Policy Analysis Methods" in the building of MDCSU in conference hall of the School for Top Corp

Within to February, 3-6, 2009 the second training had been held for the policy analysis groups on the topic: "Determination of problem. Policy Analysis Methods".

Since February, the participants of three groups of policy analysis took part in the training working under priority lines of civil service reformation namely such as reformation of the classification of positions in the connection with the system of the remuneration of labour, introduction of new approaches towards the annual evaluation of the activity results of civil servants, reformation of the system of professional studies for civil servants.

During the training the participants of groups were familiarized with the methods of analysis of problems and had practiced one of methods in order to structure the problem in the proper sphere of work of group. Each group had a possibility to represent the job performances and discuss on them with the coacher and colleagues.

The training was held by Kaspars Berzins working in Latvian School for Public Administration and conducting trainings on analysis and design of policy, methods of the strategic planning and appraisal of results. Kaspars Berzins has the experience of development of strategic plans for power authorities of Latvia and documents for policy analysis in the field of electronic governing, in particular, the programs „Electronic Latvia”, appraisals of the policy in the field of electronic governing and Electronic Government Program.



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