On November 12, 2015 at the premises of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter – NAUCS) the Ninth Annual Regional Conference on Institution Building (hereinafter – the Conference) took place. The event was organized under support of Public Administration Reform Panel of the platform 1 “Democracy, Good Governance and Stability” within the framework of the EU initiative “Eastern Partnership” in joint cooperation with the NAUCS and Twinning Programme Administration Office.

The goal of this year Conference was to consider the issue of comprehensive reform and to discuss the experience of the Eastern Partnership countries in institution building instruments implementation Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA programme. Furthermore, new approaches to the civil service reform realization as the background of democratic governance, capacity strengthening of government authorities for effective and qualitative realization of tasks and obligations assigned to them are to be reviewed.

The Head of the NAUCS Kostiantyn Vashchenko, the Head of the Main Department for Foreign Policy and European Integration Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Volodymyr Fedorchuk, the Head of Operations Section 1 “Good Governance and Democratisation” of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Alexandru Albu and the President of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Jurii Kovbasiuk presented their welcome speeches.

Kostiantyn Vashchenko in his opening remark greeted all the participants on the occasion of the Conference opening and underlined the importance of enhancing cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries and the EU Member States in further effective implementation of institution building instruments Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA programme.

During the first day of the Conference the participants had the opportunity to get insight into new procedures of the European Commission regarding institution building instruments Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA programme implementation as well as to share best practices and discuss the current issues in this area. 

Within the framework of the second day of the Conference the issue of civil service modernisation in Eastern Partnership countries and the EU Member States was discussed.

Representatives of the European Commission, Embassies of EU Member States in Ukraine, representatives of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, the EU Delegations in the EaP countries, representatives of government authorities of EaP countries, coordinators of Twinning and TAIEX instruments in the EaP countries, representatives Ukrainian government authorities, international experts, scientists and representatives of civil society took part in the Conference.

For reference: annual conferences on institution building were initiated in 2007 by the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Twinning Programme Administration Officein Ukraine. They are considered to be a traditional background for professional discussion of key aspects of institutional reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries. The conference gathers together experts and civil servants of Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.


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