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Participation in the OECD Committee on Public Administration

The OECD Committee on Public Governance (PGC OECD) is a recognized worldwide platform for exchange of best practices in public administration.

Participation in its activities by OECD members and non-member states (e.g. Ukraine) opens many opportunities, in particular:

  • helps to identify and address current strategic challenges, met by governments, by raising confidence in public institutions and using effective approaches to those challenges;
  • assists in conducting a balanced and effective public policy, as well as in increasing transparency, quality and efficiency in the functioning of public institutions and services;
  • extends the best elements of good governance and contributes to improving government efficiency, transparency, responsibility and accountability.

Governance research

In the framework of its activity the Committee holds a number of specialized researches aimed at improving public administration systems in those countries where they are conducted. To enhance the effectiveness of their researches they involve leading academics, officials and experts.

In 2008, the OECD conducted a research "Public Administration Review - Ireland: towards an integrated public service." OECD provides new and different types of analysis, aimed at contribution to a renewed Ireland public administration development agenda and international attempts to comprehensive approaches to public administration reform. After its developing a number of important and specific recommendations for public administration reform was developed. In addition, a series of public consultations was held. In 2010 OECD presented research about Estonia and Brazil.

On the 42-th session of the Committee on Public Governance (Venice, November 15-17, 2010) there were held working consultations with the Secretariat of the Committee on the possibility of Ukraine’s initiation of a public administration survey. The suggestion was endorsed and OECD coordinators on public administration system research sent a formal invitation concerning the beginning of research process in Ukraine.

OECD / EU SIGMA programme in Ukraine

Within the MDCSU cooperation with OECD / EU SIGMA programme SIGMA experts were suggested to assess the basic indicators of governance, like the one that was elaborated in 2006/07. Nevertheless, the Commission refused to finance this work because the previous program record from the Ukrainian side was not considered.

Government at a Glance 2011

Another important research conducted by the OECD is a study called "Government at a Glance." This biennial OECD study examines the OECD countries governance by 30 indicators. The research includes a comparison of political and institutional frameworks of government functioning, contains data on revenues, expenditures and employment, indicators of openness, integrity and e-government. Past research was issued in 2009.

OECD Public Governance Committee (PGC) meeting “Towards Recovery and Partnership with Citizens: The Call for Innovative and Open Government”

The meeting of the Coordination Council on activity of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Inauguration of the 41st session of the Public Government Committee of OECD

Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

On June 25, 1992, in Istanbul 11 countries have signed the Istanbul Declaration on Black Sea Economic Cooperation, which defined general framework of this interstate association.

Member states shall cooperate in the following areas: trade and economic development, finance and banking, communications, energy, transport, agriculture, health and pharmaceutics, environmental protection, tourism, science and technology, cooperation in culture, exchange of statistical data and economic information, cooperation between customs authorities and humanitarian contacts, combating organized crime, etc.
Working groups that meet regularly to discuss specific areas of sectoral cooperation are subsidiary bodies of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

In April 2009, Ukraine got the status of BSEC country coordinator. During the meeting on October 27 – 28, 2009 , which was first held under the chairmanship of Ukraine, the Action Plan for 2009 – 2011 was ratified. Ukraine actively participates in the Working Group meetings, which promotes the deepening of cooperation with BSEC member countries, including Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Ukraine and others. Ukraine’s status of a country coordinator strengthens its role in BSEC, boosts Ukraine’s impact on development and functioning of the organization, provides an opportunity to spread the experience gained by Ukraine in the sphere of governance among the members states of BSEC, produces and implements joint initiatives to improve its own image in the region.

On April 8 – 9, 2010 , in Istanbul the BSEC Working Group meeting on Institutional Renewal and Good Governance took place. Ukraine as a country coordinator for 2009-2011 was represented by Andriy Bega, the First Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the European Union Standards. The meeting was attended by the representatives of nine countries - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Russia, Romania, Slovak Republic, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the Secretariat of BSEC. During the meeting the participants exchanged experience on evaluation of civil servants, as well as the information on national policies, progress and best practices in the reform of public institutions and strengthening the capacity of governance in the Member States. As a result of the meeting, participants made suggestions for implementation of joint initiatives as part of the Working Group.

On December 7-8, 2010, another Working Group meeting took place. During the meeting the participants discussed issues concerned the administrative services and paid services, and introduction and development of e-government among BSEC member states. The meeting was attended by Dmytro Chupryna, Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the European Union Standards. The meeting was also attended by representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

Read 11032 times Last modified on Monday, 11 February 2013 09:11

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