Ukraine has officially started accession negotiations with the EU

The first Intergovernmental Conference between Ukraine and the EU took place in Luxembourg, marking the beginning of actual negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

The first Intergovernmental Conference is the beginning of official negotiations between the candidate country and the governments of the EU member states to discuss and agree on the provisions of the future treaty on the candidate country's accession to the EU.

The Ukrainian delegation was headed by Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, and on behalf of the Ukrainian government, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal addressed the participants via video link.

In his speech, the Prime Minister of Ukraine emphasised  the historical significance of this step for Ukraine and the EU, highlighting the country's readiness to reform and implement European standards.

In her opening remarks, Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister, stressed that the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU is a historic moment for the Ukrainian people, which is seen as a strategic step towards improving the country's efficiency and competitiveness in the international arena.

"Ukraine views the EU accession process as a tool for transformation and adaptation to the standards required of all EU members," she said. "It is also a step towards strengthening democracy, rule of law and human rights in Ukraine. We are ready to adapt EU legislation and create effective administrative and judicial mechanisms for its full implementation."

This stage opens up new opportunities for Ukraine, which intends to continue reforms on its way to European integration, relying on the support and partnership with the EU.

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