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The 12-th meeting of the Panel "Public Administration Reform" under the multilateral thematic platform No 1 "Democracy, Good Governance and Stability" of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership " has started.

On March 16, 2017 twelfth meeting of the Panel "Public Administration Reform" under the multilateral thematic platform No 1 "Democracy, Good Governance and Stability" of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership" has started.

The event was organized by the European External Action Service together with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service as coordinator of Area 4 "Effective management of technical assistance" where Ukraine has been a leading country since 2012.

During the first day of the meeting participants will review the results of the Panel Work Program and major achievements in four areas in 2016 and discuss priorities for further cooperation in 2017. Also during the event, the Member States and the countries of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership" will present their experience in public administration and civil service reform.

The event was opened by The Chairman of the Eleventh meeting of the Working Group, Deputy Head of Division for Eastern Partnership, Regional Cooperation & OSCE of the European External Action Service Directorate for Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and OSCE Nils Jansons, who thanked all the participants for their interest in the event and presented the agenda of the first day meeting. He said that in the context of the preparation for the Eastern Partnership summit the effective functioning of the state apparatus remains to be a priority area and this year panel’s activities will focus on issues that are the cornerstone of the implementation of public administration reform.

Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Konstiantyn Vashchenko welcomed all participants with the beginning of the meeting and stressed that this event has been held in Ukraine for the first time. Konstantin Vashchenko thanked the European External Action Service for supporting the initiative of the Ukrainian side to take responsibility in preparation of the event.

Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli noted that effective state apparatus is one of the most important conditions for successful reforms. Ukrainian government authorities have made significant steps to modernize the civil service and reform public administration, but there is still a lot of work and the EU is ready to help and support Ukraine on its way to positive changes.

Welcoming speeches were given by Deputy State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Volodymyr Fedorchuk, Chief of the Head Department for Foreign Policy and European Integration of the Presidential Administration Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Director — Head of the Unit of Justice, Freedom and Security, Humanitarian and Cross-border Cooperation of the EU Department Serhii Saienko and Head of Civil Service of the Republic of Poland Dobroslaw Dowiat-Urbański.

Representatives of the European External Action Service, SIGMA program, state institutions and  embassies of the Member States and Eastern Partnership countries, Ukrainian government authorities, Eastern Partnership civil society and other took part in the working meeting.


For reference: since 2011 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service on behalf of Ukraine has been actively involved in the activities of the Working Group (Panel) "Public Administration Reform", in particular participates in Working Group meeting and in events organized by the Eastern Partnership countries on the regular basis. Cooperation within the framework of the Working Group is to contribute to fulfilment of the main tasks of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, including ensuring the development and implementation of common state policy in civil service sphere, including the implementation of functional civil service management, development of measures on improvement of civil services etc.

The Working Group (Panel) on Public Administration Reform is focused on the following areas:

"Civil service, public administration organizations and their function (human resources management, general principles of the entry into the civil service and it performance, normative-legal acts)";

"Transparency, e-governance and data protection";

"Local / regional state authorities decentralization";

"Effective management of technical assistance" (since 2012 Ukraine is a leading country in this area).

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