The Third Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning Project for the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

On June 21, 2017 at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine the third Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning Project “Support to the Ministry of Infrastructure in Establishing Conditions for Application of the European Model of Transport Service market in Ukraine” was held.

The Project is implemented in joint cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of the Kingdom of Spain, Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP) and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania. Implementation of the project envisages increasing the efficiency of public administration in the context of rail transport reform and the development of competition in accordance with the provisions of the EU legislation.

MS Project Leader from the Kingdom of Spain Matilda Fernandez Balbin welcomed the participants and expressed her gratitudefor the cooperation that is the necessary precondition of successful implementation of the Project. Furthermore the quarterly report of the project was presented, as well as information on activities conducted within all the components was provided.

Junior Project Leader from the Republic of Lithuania, Robertas Serenas thanked all parties involved to the process of implementation of the Twinning project, and outlined plans for the next reporting period, focusing on the study visit of the Ukrainian delegation from the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" to the Republic of Lithuania.

Furthermore Twinning Partner from Ukraine Svitlana Zabolotska and Director for Strategic Development and Investment Policy Anton Sobolevsky highlighted the situation regarding drafting the law “On Railway Transport of Ukraine” that is under consideration at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Moreover they underlined that the Twinnig Experts provided specific practical advices on implementing tariffs for using the infrastructure.

Coordinator of transport projects of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Svitlana Didkivska, representatives of PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, and other stakeholders took part in the event .

The main consultant of the Twinning Coordination Division of the Project Management Unit of the Center for the Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Julia Fedyna took part in the meeting.

For reference:

according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of the Twinning projects” as of October 11, 2016 No 700 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service coordinates the implementation of Institution Building Instrument Twinning in Ukraine. In addition, according to the relevant regulatory acts the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the national coordinator of institution building instrument TAIEX and CIB programme implementation in Ukraine.

In order to provide effective coordination of Twinning, TAIEX instruments and CIB programme the Twinning Programme Administration office in Ukraine was created, its functions are executed by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to Standards of the European Union.

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