The First Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning project for the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection was conducted

On June 26, 2017 at the premises of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection the First Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning project “Approximation of Ukrainian legislation with the EU in the field of plant protection products and plant health and strengthening associated inspection and laboratory services” was conducted.

The Project is implemented in joint cooperation with the State Plant Protection Service of Latvia, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany, Julius Kühn-Institute (Germany), State Plant Service of Lithuania under the Ministry of Agriculture.

The overall objective of the project is creation of legislative and managerial frameworks for the proper use of plant protection products and the improvement of (accompanying) relating inspections and laboratory systems in accordance with the requirements of the EU.

Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, BC Project Leader Volodymyr Lapa opened the meeting, greeted everyone present on the start of the work, and underlined the importance of conducting the Steering Committee meeting that allows to understand and appreciate successful implementation of the project.

Director of State Plant Protection Service of Latvia, MS Project Leader Kristine Lifanova, Head of the Agricultural sector of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Christian Ben Hell, Counselor to the President of Julius Kühn-Institute ,MS Junior Project Leader Dr. Gerhard Guendermann, Chief specialist advisor of Phytosanitary Division State Plant Service of Lithuania under the Ministry of Agriculture MS Junior Project Leader Lidija Necajeva, director of the Department of Farming and Technical Policy in the Agro-Industrial Complex Topchii Volodymyr performed with congratulatory speeches.

Resident Twinning Advisor Raivis Grosbardis presented the first quarterly report of the Project and implemented measures for all components as well as identified plans for the next reporting period.

Deputy Head of phytosanitary safety administration – Head of Plant Protection Unit, BC Project Coordinator Viktor Stefkivskyy congratulated participants of the meeting on the achievement of the first obligatory project results and presented the main achievements of the study visit to Latvia.

On behalf of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union the Head of the TAIEX Coordination Division of the Projects Management Unit Olena Rachynska attended the event.

For reference: 

according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of the Twinning Projects” as of 11 October, 2016 No 700 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service coordinates the implementation of the institution building instrument of the European Union Twinning in Ukraine. Furthermore, in accordance with relevant legal acts the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the coordinator of institution building instrument TAIEX implementation in Ukraine. In order to provide effective coordination of Twinning and TAIEX the Twinning Program Administration Office in Ukraine was established, its functions are performed by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union. 

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