Practical Workshop on Strategic Management Issues in the Public Sector

On September 27, 2017 at the premises of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service the practical workshop on Strategic Management Issues in the Public Sector organized jointly with the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform was held.

Head of the NAUCS Kostiantyn Vashchenko welcomed the participants and outlined the importance of strategic planning as a component of constant orientation towards the future and a part of effective public sector management.

Authors of the practical manual “Administrategy: A Guide to Strategic Management in Public Administration” Maciej Kisilowski and Izabela Kisilowska shared with participants their experience obtained from a research of Central and Eastern Europe in the sphere of strategic management focusing on recommendations regarding government authority management coupled with the development of a civil servant career.

Representatives of the central government executive authorities and other stakeholders also attended the event.

For reference:

Maciej and Izabela Kisilowski combine a unique educational background at the world's leading academic institutions with practical experience of work with public agencies and public managers throughout Eastern Europe. Maciej is Associate Professor of Law and Public Management at Central European University in Budapest. He specializes in executive education of senior business and governmental managers. He leads the Initiative for Regulatory Innovation research center, which conducted a comprehensive study of managerial processes in governmental agencies throughout Eastern Europe. Izabela works for AT Kearne, the leading global strategic consultancy. For a number of years now, she has advised Polish and Central European companies and public-sector institutions.  

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