First Deputy Head of the NAUCS Volodymyr Kuprii participated in the forum “Decentralization: Current State and Development Perspectives”

The issues of reforming local self-government, cooperation of territorial communities, development of human resources capacity in the public service were discussed at the Forum “Decentralization: Current State and Development Perspectives”.

First Deputy Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Volodymyr Kuprii took part in the Forum and presented the draft Concept of reforming the professional training system for civil servants, local self-government officials and local council deputies within the framework of Panel discussion “Human Capacity Development in the Public Service as a Condition for Successful Governance”.

In particular Volodymyr Kuprii admitted that the Concept implementation will provide an opportunity to create a contemporary system of professional training with developed infrastructure, efficient management and good resources capacity to ensure the realization rights to professional development for civil servants, local self-government officials, local council deputies. 

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