On July 8, 2011, the meeting of Tymofiy Motrenko, Head of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine, and Ole Christoffersen, Minister Counsellor of Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took place

 At the meeting the participants discussed the course of implementation of Ukrainian-Danish project “Technical Support for Public Service Reforms in Ukraine. Phase II”. Tymofiy Motrenko expressed appreciation for the continuity, understanding and flexibility in supporting the reforms from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the meeting there was also discussed the issue of administrative reform in Ukraine and its impact on the implementation of the joint project. Ole Christoffersen assured that Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to support the project.

          The meeting was also attended by Lidia Hordienko, Deputy Head of the Organizational and Analytical Support of the Head and Staff Work Department, Head of the Organizational and Analytical Support of the Head of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine Department, Oleksandr Saienko, School of Senior Civil Service Director, Andriy Bega, First Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, and Evhen Nihay, Head of the Unit for International Development Projects and European Integration, Department for Civil Service Modernization.
          As a result of the meeting the parties agreed to implement joint initiatives within the framework of the project, including information andeducation campaign on the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” implementation, on European integration, concerning the new anti-corruption legislation implementation and the information and analytical system for the support of the functional civil service managementcreation.
 Referential: Project “Technical Support to Public Sector Reforms in Ukraine, Phase II” has been operating under support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA) during 3 years (2011-2013). Its budget is 3 800 000 euro.



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