Seminar on "Experience of French Republic in the Field of Policy Coordination in Relations with the European Union"

 On June 21, 2011, in the framework of SIGMA programme mission at Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine a seminar on "Experience of French Republic in the Field of Policy Coordination in Relations with the European Union" took place.

 Representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the EU Delegation in Ukraine participated in the seminar.

The Main Civil Service Department was represented by Vyacheslav Tolkovanov, the First Deputy Head of the MDCSU, Iryna Protchenko, Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, Andriy Bega, the First Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, Dmytro Chypryna, Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, and others.

 SIGMA programme was presented by expert Gunta Veismane, State Chancellery Director of Latvia in 2000-2010 years.
 In the course of the seminar Xavier Delamar, Head of International Relations Department, General Secretariat of the Government of France, outlined the main aspects of the French system of policy coordination in relations with the European Union and responded to a range of questions concerning the ways how Ukraine can take into consideration French experience in reforming the coordination system of European integration policy.
 Participants also discussed the problem of increasing the effectiveness of the mechanism of Ukraine euro integration policy coordination and the role of the Comprehensive Institutional Building programme in this process.



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