Closure of the TWG Project for NSJU

 On 24 June 2011 at the premises of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine a closing conference of the Twinning Project for National School of Judges of Ukraine "Support to the National School of Judges of Ukraine"took place.

The project was implemented jointly by National School of Judges of Ukraine and Austrian Center for the Promotion of Legal Competence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CLC).

The aim of the project was to support the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the NSJU to contribute to the strengthening of the Rule of Law in Ukraine, according to the standards of the Council of Europe, by improving the quality of the training of judges

H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel PINTO TEIXEIRA, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the     European Union to Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Wolf Dietrich Heim, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Andriy Bereznyi, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Austria welcomed the participants. They expressed the joint opinion that the project was very successful

Andriy Kozlovskyi, Director of Judicial Department of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine greeted the project partners with successful implementation of the project. In his speech he accentuated on importance of expert support provided by Austrian side in  reforming of judges training system in Ukraine.

Also their speeches presented Ms. Natalia Shuklina, Pro Rector for scientific research of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Project leader BC, Ms. Doris Obereder, judge, Project leader MSP, Mr. Kurt Weisgram, judge, Resident Twinning Adviser.

In the event took part the representatives of National School of Judges, Federal Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Austria, Higher Qualification Commission of Judges, The High Council of Justice of Ukraine, The Supreme Court of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Twinning Advisors and others.



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