The Annual Meeting for the Institution Building instruments begins

On June 15, 2011 Vyacheslav Tolkovanov, first Deputy Head of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine (MDSCU) begins tree-day working visit to Brussels (Kingdom of Belgium). 

 The purpose of the visit is the participation in the annual meeting for the institution building instruments (Twinning, TAIEX та SIGMA) “Institution Building Days”.
             In the framework of the mission It is planned:
 -         to get information on using the instruments of institutional building during 2010 in the ENP countries;
 -         get in contact with EU representatives who are responsible for the implementation of initiatives in the framework of Eastern Partnership;
 -         to hold the working meetings concerning the 5th Annual Regional Institution Building Conference (Kyiv, October 2011);
 -         to discuss the present posture of affairs and determine the prospect of using the institutional building instruments Twinning and ТАІЕХ in Ukraine in the framework of Eastern Partnership Policy, and to presentthe proposals of Ukraine on improving of the approaches and procedures for using above mentioned instruments;
 -         to present initiative of Ukraine “Regional Training Center” and the first steps in the framework of mentioned initiative.
 Reference: The Annual Meeting for the Institution Building instruments brings together the National Contact Points for the Twinning, TAIEX and SIGMA instruments from the beneficiary partner countries and the EU Member States.  Through exchange of experience and discussions on these three EU assistance instruments, the meeting provides the opportunity to develop and facilitate networks and to share best practices between all stakeholders.



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