Training on Twinning Fiche preparation for Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

 On 3 June, 2011 training on the Twinning Fiche preparation took place in the premises of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine for its relevant experts. Accounting Chamber of Ukraine is the beneficiary of the Twinning project “Provision of Operations of the Higher Financial Control Authority of Ukraine in Accordance with the International and European Standards of External Audit”.

During the meeting Deputy Director of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union/ PAO Deputy Director Nataliya Kyrychenko highlighted the main aspects of the Twinning Fiche preparation, particularly concerning its basic part, logistical frame and budget.

Coordinator of this project from PAO, Head of Sector for International Cooperation Projects of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service the Standards of the European Union Nadiia Kyzytska also took part in the presentation.

Experts of the Accounting Chamber who participated in the training were Division Deputy Head Iryna Hamenko, Head of Unit Yarema Chernetsky, chief consultant Sergiy Kovalchuk and others.



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