On March 24, 2011 assignment of Director of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the EU Iryna Protchenko to Brussels (Belgium) is continuing

Iryna Protchenko took part in the opening of the sixth joint sitting of Subcommittee № 4 "Energy, Transport, Nuclear Safety and Environment" of Ukraine-EU Cooperation Committee.  

During the sitting the EU was informed on the steps which Ukrainian Government is making in the sphere of energy, nuclear safety and environment according to the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda, Memorandum of understanding on co-operation in he field of energy between Ukraine and the European Union which concerns the state of budget support of energy end ecology sectors. Also there were defined the next steps of the deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and EU.  
Director of Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the EU 
Iryna Protchenko informed regarding “Institutional reform in Ukraine: effectiveness of EU aid using” in particular regarding the necessity of central executive bodies institutional building, effectiveness of using Twinning and TAIEX instruments on the regional level and the problems of Twinning Programme financing. 

From Ukraine in the sitting took part representatives of the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine, Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry for ecology and natural resources of Ukraine, State Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine for an exclusion zone, National Agency of Ukraine on Ensuring of Efficient Use of Energy Resources, National space agency of Ukraine and the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine.



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