Seminar “State Aid Monitoring and Control System in the EU Countries: Experience for Ukraine in the Context of Institution Bbuilding”

 On 24 January 2011 at the premises of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine the seminar “State Aid Monitoring and Control System in the EU Countries: Experience for Ukraine in the Context of Institution Bbuilding” took place. The seminar was held within the frame of Institution Reform Plan (IRP) in the sphere of state aid. The event was organised by Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine with support of British Embassy in Kyiv.

Deputy Head of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine, Head of Co-ordination Group on preparation and implementation of Institution Reform Plan in state aid sector Mr Andriy Vyshnevsky opened the session.

First Deputy Head of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine Mr Yurii Kravchenko and First Secretary of British Embassy in Kyiv Mr Duncan Allan welcomed the participants of the seminar.

Among the participants were representatives of committees of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Antimonopoly Committee, Main Department of the Civil Service, experts.

Foreign experts Mr Chris Kirby (Great Britain) and Ms Ivana Kruželová (Czech Republic) made presentations on fundamentals of state aid system in the market economy, institutional structure and functions of system of state aid monitoring and control in Great Britain, Czech Republic, and other EU states, practical aspects of state aid monitoring and control system. The question of adaptation of the EU state aid rules for Ukraine was covered by the EU project Harmonisation of Competition and Public Procurement Systems in Ukraine with EU Standards” expert Mr Denys Chernikov.

Taking into consideration the importance of the sphere as well as progress in negotiations concerning Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, co-operation with foreign experts on drafting of the IRP in state aid area will continue.

Workshop agenda “State aid monitoring and control system in the EU countries: experience for Ukraine in the context of institution building”



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