The assignment of Deputy Head of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine Andriy Vyshnevsky to Paris (French Republic) has been finished

Ukrainian delegation consisting of Deputy Head of Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine Andriy Vyshnevsky, Director for Bureau for European Integration of the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Evgen Perelygin, Director of the Department of International Technical Assistance and cooperation with international financial organizations of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Olena Kucherenko and Deputy Head of Unit for Constitutional, Civil and Economic Legislation of the Legal Department of the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Larysa

The event was organised by SIGMA Programme jointly with the European Commission on 29-30 November 2010 and took place at OECD Headquarters in Paris.

During the seminar the participants were acquainted with the features of the SIGMA Programme expertise, areas of this expertise and its methods, as well as complementarity of the program to other instruments of institutional building. There were also discussed major issues on public administration reform, development of its strategy, participation in the process of external support projects, connection of public administration reform and European integration process, as well as civil service reform, sustainability of the reforms etc.

With presentations on the issues outlined came forward SIGMA experts in the areas of institutional building (Francis Henin), financial control and external audit (Joop Vrolijk), civil service (Julio Nabais), Head of sector of public administration reforms and decentralization of the European Commission Directorate General EuropeAid Gabin Hamman, Head of SIGMA Programme Bob Bonwitt and others. Summed up the seminar was made by Head of Unit Multi-country programmes of European Commission General Directorate EuropeAid Jorge de la Caballeria.



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