3rd Steering Committee of Twinning Project for NBU

October 7, 2010 at the National Bank of Ukraine the 3rd Steering Committee of Twinning Project "Strengthening NBU potential through the approximation to EU standards of central banking” was held. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the project implementation during the 3rd quarter, covering the period from 22 June to 21 September, 2010.

Director of Economic Analysis and Forecasting Department Oleksandr Petryk opend the meeting, noting in his speech the success of the above mentioned project implementation. 
Project advisor Arthur Radomski informed about the results of winning project realization during the reported period, as well as made an overview of events that are scheduled for the 4th quarter. 
The participants of the event were also Twinning Project Leader from Germany Martin Pontzen, Project Leader from Poland Mariush Stankovski, head of the unit for European  integration and cooperation with inrternational organisations of the NBU Liudmyla Labur, ECD Project Manager Vitalia Mudruk, representative of Twinning Programme Administration Office of Ukraine Nadiia Kyzytska and others.

The next Steering Committee meeting is going to be held in January 2011.



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