Meeting on the Government's consideration of the draft Presidential Decree and draft Decrees and Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

On August 25, 2010 meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, during which the draft of Presidential Decree and draft decrees and regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine were considered. 

In particular, the Government of Ukraine heard a draft of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of Ukraine "On signing the Memorandum of Understanding between Ukraine and the European Commission Framework Document of Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme", elaborated by MDCSU pursuant to paragraph 12 of the Plan priority measures on Ukraine's integration into the European Union 2010 , approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 19.05.10 № 1073-r, together with other central executive bodies, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the European Commission. Under the terms of the document for Ukraine for the period from 2011 to 2013 allocated 43.37 million euro. The program will be implemented through instruments of the European Commission: Twinning, TAIEX, technical assistance and supply of specialized equipment. This equipment purchase will be a subject to 20% co-financing from the State Budget of Ukraine.



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