Main Achievements in 2015

In 2015, within the framework of the Work Plan of the Working Group (Panel) on Public Administration Reform of the Thematic Platform 1 “Democracy, Good Governance and Stability” of the EU initiative Eastern Partnership three events were held:

  • two-day conference “Interaction of Government Authorities and Civil Society in the Framework of the Association Agreement Implementation” (14-15 May, 2015);
  • VII Annual Richelieu Academic Readings “Human Resources Management on the Civil Service: New Approaches and Technologies” (24-25 September, 2015, Odessa);
  • Ninth Annual Regional Conference on Institutional Building (12-13 November 2015).

In the meantime, during 2015 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service took part in the following events conducted within the framework of the Working Group (Panel) as:

  • Conference “Ethics in Public Administration“ within the Project “Development of Professional Ethics in Public Administration” (March, 27, 2015, Bucharest, Romania);
  • Conference “Improving Public Service Efficiency: General System of Evaluation and Life-Long Learning” (May 26, 2015, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia);
  • International Conference “Capacity Building during the Public Administration Reform” (09-10 July, 2015, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan).

Furthermore, the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service took part in the meetings of the Thematic Platform “Democracy, Good Governance and Stability“ within the framework of the Eastern Partnership:

  • the 8-th Working Group (Panel) meeting (June 4, 2015, Stockholm, Kingdom of Sweden);
  • the 9-th Working Group  (Panel) meeting (22 October, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania).

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