Twinning Instrument Mechanism in Ukraine

Етапи УКР 

The order of approval of the project proposals:

1. Twinning Programme Administrative Office (PAO) annually before the 15-th March informs government authorities (institutions) about the possibilities of attracting the EU assistance within the framework of the Twinning instrument;

2. In case of interest government authorities prepare, and submit to PAO the project proposals before the 15-th July;

3. PAO provides analysis, and assessment of submitted project proposals taking into consideration the capacity of the governmentauthority (institution) to implement the project;

4. The list of the project proposals elaborated by PAO is submitted to the EU Delegation to Ukraine for further review, and approval. It facilitates implementation of the system approach to the annual programming, identification, and regular monitoring of the Twinning projects;

5. The approved list of project proposals is submitted for consideration to the Twinning Programme Coordination Group (TPCG) (representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, PAO, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the EU Delegation to Ukraine), in order to provide coordination of the Twinning instrument implementation as well as objectiveness, transparency, and taking into consideration interests of all the stakeholders;

6. TPCG approves the list of the project proposals, and on the basis of it, the indicative list (work plan) of the projects is developed.

The way of the Twinning Project Proposal after the approval:

1. Beneficiary administration, with the support of the EU Delegation to Ukraine and the PAO, prepares the Twinning Fiche. Mandatory results/outputs represent a key element of the Twinning Fiche;

2. The Member States shall prepare proposals based purely on the comparative advantage of their administrative system, and the quality, experience and availability of public expertise required for the implementation of the project.
The selection procedures guarantee equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency for all Member States involved

3. The next step is Twinning Contract preparation which is composed of Special Conditions and Annexes;

4. After that, the partners are in the direct implementation phase of the project, and the Twinning initiator acquires the status of the beneficiary of the Twinning project;

5. In order to monitor the implementation of the Twinning project, the beneficiary establishes a Steering Committee,
at which the quarterly and summary (by results of the project) reports are reviewed

Procedures and requirements for the preparation of the Twinning project proposals

The project proposal is filled in according to the sample and it should include the information on the public authority (institution) which initiates the project and the brief summary of the future project (the title, general objective, goals, required outcomes, the problem, the project is aimed at).

The project proposals should match the following criteria:

  • areas of cooperation, covered by the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine as well as the priorities of the Agenda of the Ukraine-EU Association;
  • priorities of the Twinning Initiator; 
  • medium term priorities of the government authority (institution) where the Twinning project is implemented;
  • Institutional capacity of the Twinning Initiator;
  • international technical assistance projects, including those that have been completed, in the area of public administration, which envisages the implementation of the Twinning project.

For the purpose of the Twinning project successful implementation the beneficiary should provide the project with:

  • the relevant human resources (to appoint the Project Leader, the RTA counterpart, to create working groups on preparation, and implementation of the project);
  • to supply the RTA, and his assistant with the furnished and equipped office in the personal premise;
  • to identify the place for organization of training courses, seminars and project conferences.

The following activities are to be financed by the European Commission:

  • work, and allowance of the Resident Twinning Advisor (RTA) in the beneficiary country;

  • work of medium term, and long term experts;
  • expenses on preparation, and realization of the project;
  • events (seminars, round table discussions, conferences, study visits);
  • internship of representatives of the beneficiary body in the institutions of the Twinning partner countries;
  • work of the government authority of the EU Member State regarding the project implementation (on the territory of the EU Member States);
  • expenses on oral, and written forms of translation;
  • audit expenses;
  • in separate cases special equipment (at the cost of up to 5000 Euro).

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Twinning Instrument Mechanism in Ukraine

Етапи УКР 

The order of approval of the project proposals:

1. Twinning Programme Administrative Office (PAO) annually before the 15-th March informs government authorities (institutions) about the possibilities of attracting the EU assistance within the framework of the Twinning instrument;

2. In case of interest government authorities prepare, and submit to PAO the project proposals before the 15-th July;

3. PAO provides analysis, and assessment of submitted project proposals taking into consideration the capacity of the governmentauthority (institution) to implement the project;

4. The list of the project proposals elaborated by PAO is submitted to the EU Delegation to Ukraine for further review, and approval. It facilitates implementation of the system approach to the annual programming, identification, and regular monitoring of the Twinning projects;

5. The approved list of project proposals is submitted for consideration to the Twinning Programme Coordination Group (TPCG) (representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, PAO, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the EU Delegation to Ukraine), in order to provide coordination of the Twinning instrument implementation as well as objectiveness, transparency, and taking into consideration interests of all the stakeholders;

6. TPCG approves the list of the project proposals, and on the basis of it, the indicative list (work plan) of the projects is developed.

The way of the Twinning Project Proposal after the approval:

1. Beneficiary administration, with the support of the EU Delegation to Ukraine and the PAO, prepares the Twinning Fiche. Mandatory results/outputs represent a key element of the Twinning Fiche;

2. The Member States shall prepare proposals based purely on the comparative advantage of their administrative system, and the quality, experience and availability of public expertise required for the implementation of the project.
The selection procedures guarantee equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency for all Member States involved

3. The next step is Twinning Contract preparation which is composed of Special Conditions and Annexes;

4. After that, the partners are in the direct implementation phase of the project, and the Twinning initiator acquires the status of the beneficiary of the Twinning project;

5. In order to monitor the implementation of the Twinning project, the beneficiary establishes a Steering Committee,
at which the quarterly and summary (by results of the project) reports are reviewed

Procedures and requirements for the preparation of the Twinning project proposals

The project proposal is filled in according to the sample and it should include the information on the public authority (institution) which initiates the project and the brief summary of the future project (the title, general objective, goals, required outcomes, the problem, the project is aimed at).

The project proposals should match the following criteria:

  • areas of cooperation, covered by the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine as well as the priorities of the Agenda of the Ukraine-EU Association;
  • priorities of the Twinning Initiator; 
  • medium term priorities of the government authority (institution) where the Twinning project is implemented;
  • Institutional capacity of the Twinning Initiator;
  • international technical assistance projects, including those that have been completed, in the area of public administration, which envisages the implementation of the Twinning project.

For the purpose of the Twinning project successful implementation the beneficiary should provide the project with:

  • the relevant human resources (to appoint the Project Leader, the RTA counterpart, to create working groups on preparation, and implementation of the project);
  • to supply the RTA, and his assistant with the furnished and equipped office in the personal premise;
  • to identify the place for organization of training courses, seminars and project conferences.

The following activities are to be financed by the European Commission:

  • work, and allowance of the Resident Twinning Advisor (RTA) in the beneficiary country;

  • work of medium term, and long term experts;
  • expenses on preparation, and realization of the project;
  • events (seminars, round table discussions, conferences, study visits);
  • internship of representatives of the beneficiary body in the institutions of the Twinning partner countries;
  • work of the government authority of the EU Member State regarding the project implementation (on the territory of the EU Member States);
  • expenses on oral, and written forms of translation;
  • audit expenses;
  • in separate cases special equipment (at the cost of up to 5000 Euro).

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Загальна схема оцінювання (CAF) – це система управління якістю, розроблена на основі Моделі досконалості Європейського фонду управління якістю (EFQM), який є ефективним інструментом удосконалення діяльності органів державної влади та органів місцевого самоврядування. Станом на 2021 рік система управління якістю, створена відповідно до вимог Загальної схеми оцінювання (CAF), ефективно функціонує в 4160 організаціях із 59 країн світу.

Функціональне обстеження

Аналіз діяльності органу державної влади проводиться шляхом функціонального обстеження. Функціональне обстеження – це аналітична методика оцінки ефективності діяльності органів виконавчої влади, яка є інструментом аналізу функцій та оцінки ефективності управлінської діяльності органів виконавчої влади та їх структурних підрозділів.

Громадянські компетентності на державній службі

Формування громадянської компетентності є нагальною потребою сучасності. Під громадянською компетентністю розуміють здатність людини активно, відповідально й ефективно реалізовувати громадянські права та обов’язки з метою розвитку демократичного громадянського суспільства адже якість демократії і визначається рівнем компетентності громадян.