Complex Institutional Capacity Strengthening of Government Authorities

On January 28, 2014 the working meeting of the Twinning Programme Administrative Office (hereinafter - PAO) headed by the Acting Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter – the NAUCS) Julia Kovalevska was held.

The state of implementation of the Twinning and TAIEX instruments in Ukraine was considered during the meeting, in particular it was admitted that as of December 31, 2013 the Action Plan of the Twinning Projects in Ukraine included 61 projects, 28 of them had been completed, 31 project proposals of government authorities regarding launching new projects had been developed. 1425 representatives of government authorities took part in 65 events conducted within the framework of the TAIEX instrument. 16 events were held with the initiative of the European Commission, 49 – with the initiative of Ukraine. 101 TAIEX application forms were sent on approval to the European Commission in 2013, as the result 74 application forms were approved.

The state of realization of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme (СІВ) was also dwelled on. Within the framework of the CIB programme there was conducted a set of events aimed at preparation and implementation of the Institutional Reform Plans (IRP) in four areas:

 migration (15);

 sanitary and phyto-sanitary activities (4);

 realization of the future EU – Ukraine Association Agreement (8);

 monitoring and control of the state assistance to the economic subjects (4).

The issue of coordination strengthening of the Twinning projects implementation in Ukraine was reviewed, in particular it touched upon meetings of the steering committees and annual informing of government authorities regarding the possibilities of the EU assistance attracting within the framework of the Twinning instrument as well as the approval of TAIEX application forms, having been sent by the government authorities.

In addition during the meeting the main objectives regarding realization of the NATO – Ukraine Programme Action Plan for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense for 2014 approved at the regular meeting of the working (steering) group on the NATO – Ukraine Programme realization (on January 16, 2014) were determined. The objectives above mentioned touched upon the issue of the course on defense and security for the leading personnel of government authorities of Ukraine as well as organization of the language preparation for civil servants in the first quarter of 2014.

Representatives of the NAUCS, the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union and the School of Senior Civil Service took part in the working meeting.

Forreference: since 2005 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine “The Issue On Provision of the Twinning Programme Implementation in Ukraine” dated on October 6, 2005 № 1424/2005 the NAUCS directs and coordinates the activity on preparation and implementation of the Twinning Programme in Ukraine. Moreover the NAUCS is the national coordinator of the institutional building instrument TAIEX and the CIB Programme according to the relevant legal acts. The PAO functions under the NAUCS and it was established to perform general coordination of implementation of the Twinning, TAIEX instruments and the CIB Programme in Ukraine. 

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