Working Meeting on the Twinning Projects Preparation for the State Financial Inspection, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine

On December 27, 2013 at the premises of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine the working meeting on the Twinning Fiche preparation for the projects “Improvement of the State Interior Financial Control in Ukraine”, “Transposing of IPSAS into the System of State Accounting of Ukraine” and “Capacity Strengthening of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine” was conducted.

During the meeting the plan for the further development of the Twinning Fiche for the above mentioned projects and the issue regarding cooperation within the framework of these projects were discussed.

Representatives from the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine took part in the event.

Iryna Luchynska, Deputy Director of the Twinning Programme Administration Office of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union (the Center) and Anastasiya Terech, senior consultant of the Twinning Projects Coordination Unit of the Center attended the meeting. 

For reference: since 2005 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated on October 6, 2005 № 1424/2005 «The Issue on the Twinning Programme Implementation in Ukraine» the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (the NAUCS) directs and coordinates the activity on preparation and implementation of the Twinning Programme in Ukraine. Moreover the NAUCS is considered to be the national coordinator of the institutional building instrument TAIEX and CIB Programme according to the relevant regulatory acts. 

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