The State of Preparation of the Course of Defense and Security for the Leading Personnel of Government Authorities of Ukraine

On February 14, 2014 the meeting of the newly created steering committee regarding the preparation of the Course of defense and security for the leading personnel of government authorities of Ukraine was held.
During the meeting of the steering committee the Acting Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Julia Kovalevska admitted the following:“This Course is considered to be overwhelmingly important for providing government authorities and local self-government bodies with highly professional specialists that are able to perform duties on the national, regional as well as local level in the area of European integration, Euro-Atlantic cooperation and other issues regarding national security of Ukraine”.

During the event all the participants discussed the issue of the Concept and the Action Plan of the Course of defense and security for the leading personnel of government authorities of Ukraine in 2014.
The next meeting of the steering committee is to be conducted at the end of February.

For reference: the Course of defense and security for the leading personnel of government authorities of Ukraine is implemented within the framework of the NATO - Ukraine Programme for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense which was founded in October, 2005 during the Consultation of high level between NATO and Ukraine (Vilnius, Lithuania).
The Programme presupposes practical professional training for the specialists in the area of security and defense.
According to the resolution of the sixth meeting of the Commission on cooperation between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service was established as the national coordinator of the NATO – Ukraine Programme for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense and the main performer of the actions regarding the realization of the NATO – Ukraine Programme for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense.


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