Interagency Meeting regarding the Projects within the framework of the Institutional Reforms Plan in the Area of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Implementation

On September 15, 2014 at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine under the presidency of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on European Integration Olena Zerkal the interagency meeting was held. The discussion touched upon practical realization of the Institutional reforms Plan in the area of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation.

During the meeting the issues regarding the mechanism for interagency coordination of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the involvement of European advisers to the process of its implementation were discussed, as well as enhancement of the civil servants’ professional competence of the relevant government authorities were considered. One more important issue for discussion was development of the new projects within the CIB Programme.

The Director of the Government Office for European Integration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Natalia Hnydyuk, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took part in the meeting.

The Head of the Projects Management Unit Oksana Ishchuk and the Head of the Unit of Administrative Reform Projects, SIGMA and CIB of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Elena Torokanets-Turchenko attended the event.

For reference: the CIB Programme (Comprehensive Institution Building) - is the part of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership". The main objective of this Partnership is support to realization the institutional reforms of certain state institutions in order to create conditions for effective implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, including the creation of a free trade area. The plan of institutional reform for the purposes of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Implementation was approved by theResolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated on 10.10.2012 № 767-р “Some issues of institutional reforms in the implementation of the future Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union”.

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