Study Visit to Warsaw, the Republic of Poland

Within the framework of the Programme “Polish Aid for Development – 2014” of the European Union's “Eastern Partnership” at the invitation of representatives of the National School of Public Administration (hereinafter – KSAP) in collaboration with the Department of Civil Service Office of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland the study visit of representatives of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union (hereinafter – the Center) to Warsaw, the Republic of Poland, from October 19 to November 1, 2014 took place.

Representatives of the Center participated the training workshop organized by KSAP of the Republic of Poland and were trained in the Administration of Mazovia Province and in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of the Republic of Poland.

During the workshop the KSAP Director Ian Pastva described the mission, key objectives and priorities of the KSAP, its main achievements and prospects. Representatives of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Krzysztof Banas and Katarzyna Dudzik reported on the civil service system in the Republic of Poland.

Furthermore, representatives of the Center had an opportunity to learn the experience of civil servants of the Republic of Poland in the area of human resources management, including procedures for admission to the civil service, the evaluation system of professional knowledge and training as well as mechanisms for material and non-material motivation of civil servants.

The Head of the Projects Management Unit of the Center Oksana Ishchuk and Chief specialist of the Twinning Coordination Division of the Projects Management Unit of the Center Artem Takhtarov took part in the study visit.


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