The Meeting of the Steering Group on the NATO-Ukraine Programme Realization

On November 7, 2014 at the premises of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service the regular meeting of the Steering group on the NATO – Ukraine Programme realization for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense (hereinafter – the Programme) took place.

In welcome address the Head of the National Agency Kostiantyn Vashechenko thanked all the participants for their participation and underlined the importance of carrying out the meetings of the Steering group on the regular basis. It is to contribute to effective functioning the mechanisms of the NATO-Ukraine cooperation coordination.  

During the meeting the updated draft project of the Programme Action Plan for 2015 was presented. Among the main priorities the Programme is to be implemented one can find: professional training for civil servants and local government officials on European integration and euro-athlantic cooperation, language proficiency, issues of anticorruption legislation, interior audit, realization of functional review of the sector of security and defense as well as activities aimed at leadership potential in particular within the framework of the Course of Security and Defense for the Leading Personnel of Government Authorities in Ukraine.

Furthermore, all the participants of the meeting considered the draft Road Map on the Programme realization and the concept of the conference “Professional Development Programme in Ukraine: Key Outcomes and Priorities for the Future”. The conference above mentioned is to be conducted on March, 2015.

The Programme Manager in Ukraine Kersti Kelder, representatives of the Secretariat of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, the Troops of the Interior of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, higher education establishments took part in the meeting of the steering group.

Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union (hereinafter – the Center) Maryna Kanvets, the First Deputy Director of the Center Yulia Lykhach, the Head of the Projects Management Unit of the Center Oksana Ishchuk, Deputy Head of the Projects Management Unit of the Center Serhiy Kopan attended the event.


For reference: NATO – Ukraine Programme for the professional development of the civilian personnel of the sector of security and defense was founded in October, 2005 during the Consultation of high level between NATO and Ukraine (Vilnius, Lithuania). The Programme presupposes practical professional training as well as definite financial inputs from the member states of the Alliance. .According to the resolution of the sixth meeting of the Commission on cooperation between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service was established as the national coordinator and the main performer of the actions regarding the realization of the Programme.  


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