Workshop on "Formulation and Implementation of the State Policy in the Area of Migration"

From 18 to 19 December, 2014 the short two-day workshop on "Formulation and implementation of the state policy in the field of migration" was held.

The aim of the workshop was to discuss the strategic directions of migration policy in Ukraine, the mechanisms for implementation of tasks and functions in the area of migration and the issues related to the future liberalization of the EU visa regime for Ukraine.

Due to the temporary occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine all the participants of the meeting dwelled on the issue of internal migration in Ukraine.

In welcome address the Deputy Head of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Yurij Sergienko greeted all the participants of the event and underlined the importance of support of our state, which will enable the State Migration Service of Ukraine to complete all tasks and to achieve the main objectives.

The Director of the Department of citizenship and registration of citizens of temporarily occupied territory of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Alla Cherednichenko reported on migration processes in Ukraine and security of the documents. The long-term advisor on enhancing migration management and cooperation in the area of readmission in Eastern Europe Ian Baranovski shared the foreign experience in organization-economical direction of migration policy development in Ukraine. Representatives of local authorities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine also took part at the workshop.

The Head of the Unit of Administrative Reform Projects, SIGMA and CIB of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Olena Torokanets-Turchenko attended the event.        

For reference: the CIB Programme (Comprehensive Institution Building) - is the part of the EU initiative "Eastern Partnership". The main objective of this Partnership is support to realization the institutional reforms of certain state institutions in order to create conditions for effective implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, including the creation of a free trade area.

The plan of institutional reform in the field of migration policy was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated on 12.10.2011 № 1058-р “On approval of the Action Plan of implementing the concept of migration policy”.

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