Implementation of the European Standards for the Protection of Intellectual Property

On April 9, 2015 at the premises of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine the fourth steering committee meeting for the Twinning Project “Strengthening the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in Ukraine” was held.

The Project is implemented by the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine in cooperation with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. The Project is aimed at reduction the level of piracy and creation of favorable conditions for improvement investment climate in Ukraine in accordance with the EU legislation through enhancing effectiveness of the state system of security and protection of intellectual property rights.

The BC Project Leader, Chairwoman of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine Alla Zharinova in her opening speech thanked the European side for support during the elaboration of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On amending to some legislative acts on the protection of copyright and related rights in the Internet.” The Project Leader from the Kingdom of Spain Cristina Fernandez Ordaz and Junior Project Leader from Denmark Keld Nymann Jensen expressed their readiness to support further implementation of the Project.

The Resident Twinning Adviser Pablo Rodenas together with a partner on the Ukrainian side presented the Third Quarterly Report and outlined activities for the next Quarterly period. In addition, the participants agreed on the date of the next Steering Committee Meeting.

From the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine the meeting was attended by the First Counsellor and the Head of Section “Economic Cooperation, Social and Regional Development” Juana Mera Cabello, the Head of Trade and Economic Section Nicholas Burge and the Sector Manager of Education, Science and Information Society Vira Rybak.

The Head of the Division of International Cooperation Projects of the Projects Management Unit of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Artem Takhtarov took part the event.

For reference: since 2005 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated on 06.10.2005 № 1424/2005 «The Issue on Provision of the Twinning Programme Implementation in Ukraine» the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service directs and coordinates the activity on preparation and implementation the Twinning Programme in Ukraine. Moreover the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the national coordinator of implementation of the institutional building instrument TAIEX and CIB Programme according to the relevant legal acts.

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