Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning Project for the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

On April 22, 2015 at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine the steering committee meeting for the Twinning Project “Institutional Support to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on Increasing the Operation Performance and the Competitiveness of Rail Transport in Ukraine” was held. The Project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Spain and the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Marine Economy of Poland.

The goal of the Project is to support the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on effective state management of the rail transport activities in Ukraine and to promote the development of the competitive environment for the private persons and legal entities, operating in the market of railway transport.

The BC Project Leader from the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine Mykola Snitko in his opening speech greeted all the participants and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to use international experience in improving rail transport. The Project Leader from the Kingdom of Spain Matilde Fernandez Balbin assured that the European side is ready to contribute the Project hereafter.

The RTA Jose Samino Navo provided the summary of completed activities and fulfillment of mandatory results and benchmarks. Moreover the activities for the next quarter and the date of the next meeting of the Project Steering Committee were considered.

The Deputy Junior Project Leader from Poland Ireneusz Mayher, the Partner of RTA Olexandr Fedorenko and the Sector Manager on Transport of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine Svetlana Didkivska took part in the discussion.

The Head of the Division of International Cooperation Projects of the Projects Management Unit of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Artem Takhtarov attended the event.

For reference: since 2005 according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated on 06.10.2005 № 1424/2005 «The Issue on Provision of the Twinning Programme Implementation in Ukraine» the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service directs and coordinates the activity on preparation and implementation the Twinning Programme in Ukraine. Moreover the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the national coordinator of implementation of the institutional building instrument.




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