International Conference on Development Cooperation “Engage. Cooperate. Share Experience”. Vilnius, Republic Of Lithuania

On October 22, 2015 the International Conference on Development Cooperation “Engage. Cooperate. Share Experience” (hereinafter – the Conference) was held in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The event was organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Lithuania and Central Project Management Agency with the assistance of the Delegation of European Commission to the Republic of Lithuania.

The aim of the meeting was to gain the best international experience on implementation of the institutional building instrument Twinning, strengthening of cooperation between international organizations and programmes of the European Union in the context of political and economic reforms in terms of the European integration.  

Andrius Krivas, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania welcomed all participants and noted that the abovementioned Conference is the unique base for the experience exchange and strengthening of the international cooperation. In particular Andrius Krivas highlighted that the year 2015 was declared the European year of development (through involvement and implementation of the international programmes of technical assistance and institutional building instruments, which will contribute to the strengthening of mutual cooperation).

During the Conference the issue of enhancing of international cooperation was raised by leading experts from the EU member countries and representatives from international organisations, mainly the experience of institutional building instruments implementation of the EU initiative “Eastern Partnership” Black Sea region and Western Balkans countries was presented and the main approach of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development activity was introduced. Additionally, the possible ways and approaches regarding the enhancing of international cooperation by means of introduction of partnership relations with the World Bank, European Investment Bank and GIZ organisation were presented.

The agenda of the Conference presupposes the plenary session conduction aiming to define the needs and expectations of the beneficiaries’ countries in involvement of the international technical assistance, as well as to discuss new approaches to the implementation of institutional building instrument Twinning. Alongside this, methods of involvement of representatives from the non-governmental organisations and private institutions to the process of political and economic reforms were reviewed.

Representatives from the European Commission, international organisations, the national contact points on the Twinning instrument implementation and representatives from the diplomatic missions took part.

The Head of the Division of International Cooperation Projects of the Projects Management Unit of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Inna Bielobratova took part in the event.

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