14-th Meeting of the Twinning Programme Coordination Group

On October 20, 2016 at the premises of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (hereinafter — the NAUCS) the 14-th Meeting of the Twinning Programme Coordination Group (hereinafter — TPCG) was held.

The Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Kostiantyn Vashchenko in his welcome speech underlined that implementation of institution building instrument Twinning in Ukraine is the key precondition of effective establishment and implementation of strategic reforms according to the European norms and standards. Furthermore, great interest of government authorities in Twinning instrument implementation as well as an effective cooperation with European experts was emphasized, in particular it was noted that the current Work Plan includes 61 Twinning projects (39 are completed, 9 — are at the implementation stage and another 13 projects are at different stages of preparation).

Thereafter, the First Counsellor, the Head of Section – Economic Cooperation, Social and Regional Development of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Juana Mera Cabello defined the priority directions of Twinning implementation in Ukraine, that are: public finance management, corruption prevention, public administration reform, supremacy of law and social sphere.

Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Maryna Kanavets presented the main results of project proposals processing, which were received from the government authorities within the framework of the annual programming, and outlined the current state of Twinning projects implementation in Ukraine.

During the TPCG project proposals from the government authorities concerning the launching of new Twinning projects were reviewed by participants. As a result project proposals that will be included in the Work Plan of Twinning projects on 2017 have been selected.

Representatives of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and Twinning Programme Administration Office took part in the meeting.


For reference:

according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiating, Preparation and Implementation of Twinning” the NAUCS coordinates implementation of the EU institutional building instrument Twinning in Ukraine. Moreover, according to the relevant regulatory acts the NAUCS is the national coordinator of institutional building instrument TAIEX and CIB Programme implementation.

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