Official Kick-off of Twinning project for the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

On September 27, 2016 at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine the official kick-off meeting of Twinning project “Support to Improving the Safety of Multimodal Dangerous Goods Transport in Ukraine” was held.

The Project is implemented in joint cooperation with Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Ministerio de Fomento, Kingdom of Spain), Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea (MEEM, the French Republic), the General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD, the Republic of Poland).

The goal of the project is to improve multimodal dangerous goods transport system in Ukraine including road, rail, sea and river, as well as multimodal connections in line with the European rules and standards.

Head of State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety Mykhailo Noniak welcomed all the participants and expressed gratitude for the support provided within the framework of Twinning Project implementation that will contribute to strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in developing and implementing the state policy for transposition, implementation and enforcement of requirements on dangerous goods transport including road, rail, sea and river in line with European rules and standards.

Ambassador of Kingdom of Spain to Ukraine Gerardo Ángel Bugallo Ottone, Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Road Traffic Safety of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Transport Ihor Didenko and Head of Operations Section 3 ”Development related to infrastructure (energy, transport) and environment“ Johannes Baur welcomed the participants.

Spanish Project Leader, Head of the Unit of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Ministerio de Fomento, Kingdom of Spain), Junior Project Leader from the Republic of Poland Michal Pierzchala and Junior Project Leader from the Republic of France Claude Pfauvadel presented the main tasks and functions of the Institutions from EU countries involved in Project implementation and identified steps for its implementation.

Resident Twinning Adviser Michal Rzemieniewski determined overall objective, the main tasks and components of the Project.

Transport Sector Manager of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Svitlana Didkivska, project manager from EU Delegation to Ukraine Teodora Andreeva and representatives from the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine took part in the conference.

On behalf of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union the event was attended by the Senior Consultant on the Twinning Coordination Sector of the Projects Management Unit Yuliia Fedyna.

For reference:

according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of the Twinning projects” as of October 11, 2016 No 700 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service coordinates the implementation of Institution Building Instrument Twinning in Ukraine. In addition, according to the relevant regulatory acts the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the national coordinator of institution building instrument TAIEX and CIB programme implementation in Ukraine.

In order to provide effective coordination of Twinning, TAIEX instruments and CIB programme the Twinning Programme Administration office in Ukraine was created, its functions are executed by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to Standards of the European Union.

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