Working Meeting with the Representatives of the Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination

On November 23, 2016 the working meeting of the Deputy Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Andrii Zabolotnyi with the representatives the Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination aimed at discussion of the issue of strengthening cooperation on improving language proficiency of civil servants was held.

Deputy Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service in his opening speech stressed the importance of the working meeting in view of the fact that on the results of processing of protocol of the second meeting of the Commission for Coordination of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine as of November 1, 2016, one of the areas of improving the level of English language proficiency is enhancing cooperation with the Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination.

Chief Standards of the Foreign Language Programs of the Canadian Defence Academy, BILC Associate Secretary Julie J. Dubeau outlined the priority areas of the Bureau for International Language Co-Ordination in the context of language training, particularly she presented the experience of training and evaluation in accordance with NATO standards STANAG 6001.

Director of the Foreign Languages Department of the National Military University of the Republic of Bulgaria, Head of Delegation Petko Petkov, Chair of English Language Programs Department, Partner Language Training Center Europe of the George C. Marshall Center Peggy Garza and Deputy Head of the Linguistic Research Center of the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Andrii Halchus also took part in the event.

As a result of the meeting it was agreed on the the necessity of strengthening cooperation with STANAG certification centers that operate at the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and National Defense University named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, that will contribute to the improvement of the system of language training for civil servants.

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