The Third Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning Project for the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine was held

On April 6, 2017 at the premises of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine the Third Steering Committee Meeting of the Twinning Project “Strengthening Institutional Capacities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to Conduct Market Studies and Effectively Enforce Competition Law in accordance with EU standards” was held.

The Project is implemented in order to increase the transparency and stability of competition policy of Ukraine through further approximation of national legislation to EU standards, improve law enforcement and advocacy of competition, which will be based on the close cooperation between government authorities that form the government policy in the field of competition Ukraine and EU Member States. Twinning project implementation is supported by a consortium of two EU Member States — Germany and Lithuania.

State Commissioner of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, BC Project Leader Anna Artemenko in her opening speech welcomed the participants and expressed her gratitude to the participants for support in the implementation of the Twinning project.

RTA Wolfgang Jakobi presented the third quarterly report of the project. He also outlined the measures implemented by all components as well as identified plans for the next reporting period.

Deputy Director of the Department on Competition Policy Viktor Talakh, Project Leader from Germany Wolf-Dieter Plessing, Project Leader from Lithuania Šarūnas Keserauskas, First Secretary of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jose-Manuel Hernandez and other stakeholders took part in the event.

On behalf of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union the Senior Consultant of the SIGMA and CIB Project Division of the Projects Management Unit Olena Rachynska attended the event.


For reference:

according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of the Twinning projects” as of October 11, 2016 No 700 the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service coordinates the implementation of Institution Building Instrument Twinning in Ukraine.

In addition, according to the relevant regulatory acts the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service is the national coordinator of institution building instrument TAIEX and CIB programme implementation in Ukraine.

In order to provide effective coordination of Twinning, TAIEX instruments and CIB programme the Twinning Programme Administration office in Ukraine was created, its functions are executed by the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to Standards of the European Union.

Twinning Project “Strengthening Institutional Capacities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to Conduct Market Studies and Effectively Enforce Competition Law in accordance with EU standards” includes 5 components:

- Component 1 — Approximation of competition law and regulations to EU standards;

-⁠ Component 2 — Alignment of merger control regime with EU Standards;

-⁠ Component 3 — Improvement of competition law enforcement by the AMCU;

- Component 4 — Market studies in selected sectors and strengthening of competition advocacy;

- Component 5 — Strengthening institutional capacity of the AMCU to implement reforms in competition policy.

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